“I first considered and now I think: the appointment of Carrera as the head coach was a mistake. And winning the championship gold is the merit of Alenichev, who prepared the team for the season. After all, the way Spartak spent the whole championship confirmed that he did it at the highest level, ”the Sport-Express expert quotes.

In his opinion, the main merit of the Italian in that season was that he did not spoil anything.

“For that, I respect him. Doctors have a professional saying: the main thing is not to harm. And this is the case, ”said Romantsev.

On October 22, it became known that Massimo Carrera was dismissed from the post of Spartak head coach. The reason for the dismissal of the 54-year-old specialist was the unsatisfactory results of the red-and-whites both in the Russian championship and on the international stage. Carrera led Spartak since 2016 and led the team to the first championship in 15 years in the RPL.

Earlier, Carrera named the reasons for his dismissal from Spartak.