N2. CO Pacé - Vaulx-en-Velin, Saturday (8 pm). Vincent Couve and his players receive the leader. A hinge match. Interview with the coach pacéen.

After seven days, you point to just four points of second place. Are you surprised by this beginning of the season?

Honestly, we did not really know how to gauge ourselves at the beginning of the season. We must not forget that last season was a weird season, and we came back from a long way. This year, we have started much better, especially outside where our results are good. The reception, Saturday, of the leader Vaulx-en-Velin is hinge for us, which more is at home. If we lose, we enter the soft underbelly but in case of victory, we will stay in the leading car.

How do you approach this meeting against the leader of the championship?

We know that it is obviously a very good team. They strengthened well after their relegation last season with two Spanish players and have two very good goalies. I do not know what will happen but I think the game will be played because we play at home, and it's been a few years since the teams that come to our place know that it will not be easy.

And your team loves to play against the bosses usually.

It's true that we love playing big teams. When we are expected in these large posters, our group knows how to sublimate. It's a quality of our team.

You are a rather limited team offensively but who progresses in this area. Do you agree with that?

Yes, there is a progression but I expect even better, more efficiency in front of goal. We know that we lack a surface player, an attacker who always hangs in the right place near the goal, good in small spaces. But we are good in the game and we come to create opportunities for us to be more fair in front of the goal.

Would a Saturday win change the CO's ambitions for the season?

Not at all. We are aware of our strengths but also of our weaknesses. The ambition is to get support as quickly as possible. The season will be long.