Real Madrid fell heavily this afternoon against Eibar (3-0) a few days after Solari's confirmation as coach. Varane returned to the defeat of the Madrid club.

After 4 consecutive victories, Real Madrid has fallen back into these gaps in Liga. "Eibar played his game, very direct, and was able to recover the balloons pushed back by our defense. It was complicated, when we lose the duels everything is more difficult. We did not manage to get around their pressing with our football, that's why we did not win, regretted Varane after the match.

We did not find the solutions, we tried to play but we could not develop the football we love. We were not comfortable, everyone is a collective problem. But we know that we must stay united and continue to work. We have enough qualities to play well but collectively we were not well positioned and we lost a lot of balls. (On defense) I think it's a collective problem, we need to make progress in this area to earn more. We are aware of the situation and we will give everything. We stayed on a good momentum (4 wins in a row, Ed), today we lost again but we will try to find the path of victory and launch a new positive series. "