Véronique Rabiot, mother and counselor of the Parisian milieu, who has been ostracized for months, has harshly criticized the PSG president for his human management, as did Hatem Ben Arfa on Saturday night.

"I thank infinitely Hatem Ben Arfa for his statement and his support to Adrien Rabiot," said Sunday his mother and agent to AFP, while the Rennes player, formerly banned from the PSG, scratched the "human" management of his former leaders after his victory in the Coupe de France.

"Adrien Rabiot will come back and hurt them"

"If he had not made this statement, I would not have spoken," said Veronique Rabiot, mother and counselor of the Parisian milieu, who has not played with PSG since December 11 because of of an extrasportive conflict. Ben Arfa, who has experienced a similar situation to PSG (2016-2018) for more than a year, has tapped his former leaders, after the victory of his team against the Parisian club in the Coupe de France (2-2, 6- 5 tab) Saturday. "We must always respect the human, when we do not respect it, at some point, you pay," he said. "It was very difficult, and I think Adrien Rabiot will come back one day with a team and hurt them, because it's life, when you give the bad, you get the bad," Ben added. Arfa.

>> READ ALSO - Coupe de France: defeated in the final, the PSG sinks into the crisis

"Nasser Al-Khelaïfi has forgotten the human"

Rabiot, in conflict with PSG where he does not want to extend his contract expires this summer, was also laid off by his club last March to be released in nightclub the evening of the elimination of the PSG in Champions League Round of 16. "The president (Nasser Al-Khelaïfi) made a totally unfair decision, everyone knows it, and by doing that, he poisoned his team, which has been doing its work for the last five months. even fragmented his team because he has forgotten the human dimension precisely, "lambasted Véronique Rabiot. "When you make decisions in life, it has short-term, medium-term and long-term consequences." Do not understand that when you're president, you do not know football and footballers. know men, "she added.