Argentine international Lionel Messi has led his side Barcelona to their 26th title with a 1-0 victory over Levante on Camp Nou in the Spanish league.

Messi, who entered the second half, scored the only goal in the 62nd minute, including Barcelona officially retain the title of last season and for the eighth time in the last 11 seasons, in his quest to achieve the trio in the style of 2009 and 2015, when crowned the league titles and local cup and the Champions League .

Atletico Madrid beat Atletico Madrid 1-0, thanks to Messi, who was kept by coach Ernesto Valverde on the bench before taking the place of Brazilian Felipe Coutinho in the second half.

Barca have moved up 83 points, nine ahead of Atletico Madrid before three rounds of the season, before going into the semi-finals of the Champions League against Liverpool, the day before tomorrow, before a guest on the seventh of May next , Who will also take the final of the local cup competition against Valencia on 25.

"We were under pressure to score this goal," said Barcelona coach Ernesto Valverde. In the first half we got chances to do it in vain, and in the second half when we failed to strengthen we gave way to the opponent to dare to threaten us. The issue was about nervousness because we did not translate our chances into goals. "

"Winning the title with this difference against our rivals is difficult, we managed to achieve for the second consecutive year. We are delighted and great pride for us watching people enjoy it. But we still have two challenges. "

Messi managed to score the only goal when he received a header from the Chilean Arturo Vidal inside the area, playing with defender Robert and shot the ball to the right of goalkeeper Aitur Fernandez.

The 34th goal for Messi in the league this season has strengthened his position at the top of the list of top scorers, as is the title of 34 colors of the ballagrana, a record in the history of the Catalan club, and the first as a leader of the team.

Messi is now two titles from the most eloquent player in the history of the competition, the former Real Madrid legend Paco Khinto (12 titles).

Barcelona had only 16 titles in the league and half of Real Madrid's 29 goals, before signing Messi, who won 10 titles over 15 years, making the difference between the seven titles (33 titles for the Royal Club).

Messi has raised his goals with the Catalan club in the Liga to 417 goals in 450 appearances and has become a strong candidate for the sixth time of the season. Legendary legend Tilmo Thara (six league titles between 1945 and 1953)


A goal scored by Messi in the league this season so far.


League titles for Messi with Barcelona in 15 years.

Messi has two titles to become the most coronation in the history of the «Liga».

Barcelona had 16 titles against Madrid (29) before signing Messi.