The investigation insists on the extension of the arrest of football players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev, imprisoned for the attack on the official and driver. This RIA Novosti reported in the Tverskoi Court of Moscow.

On December 5, the court is to determine the future fate of the athletes. And the prosecution and defense parties are already trying to actively promote their position.

So, on Thursday it became known that the Moscow City Court rejected appeals against the arrest of players.

“The court refused to transfer appeals to the presidium,” RIA Novosti quotes the court press secretary to Ulyana Solopova.

Later, lawyer Mamaev Igor Bushmanov explained the very essence of the procedure. “The court did not refuse, but the judge individually and lawfully considered the complaints and decided to refuse their satisfaction and their transfer to the presidium.
After our appeals were rejected, I and the defender of the other side appealed to the Moscow City Court with a cassation appeal. This is a procedure that does not provide for the participation of the parties and in which the court solely considers the complaint and decides either to reject the complaint or to submit it to the Presidium of the Moscow City Court. The court decided to dismiss the complaint, although we gave reasonably sound arguments. It turns out that they did not satisfy the court. We have the right to appeal to another higher authority - the judicial division in criminal cases of the Supreme Court, ”the“ Championship ”quotes the words of a lawyer.

Bushmanov also expressed the hope that his ward would still change the preventive measure.

“In any case, we will wait next week for the court to make a decision on the petitions of the investigation and on our petitions on the selection of an alternative preventive measure. And we expect that a fair compromise decision will be taken, which will not require further appeals. And, most importantly, will allow Mamaev to be outside the detention facility. There are all grounds for this court decision, ”the lawyer added.

Lawyer Kokorin Tatyana Stukalova November 24 said that the driver beaten by players Vitaly Solovchuk insulted the company first.

“If your companion were publicly called a“ whore ”and you were immediately a“ rooster ”in the most derogatory sense of the word, what would you do? I suggest three options: run away, call the police or respond adequately from your point of view, ”Stukalova wrote on her Instagram page.

However, the prosecution also does not intend to give up and is going to seek an extension of the arrest of football players for another two months - until the eighth of February. According to media reports, the investigation has already appealed to the court with this requirement. And we are talking about extending the period of arrest not only to the players, but also to other participants in the case - younger brother Kokorin Cyril and their friend Alexander Protasovitsky.

A day earlier, Mamaev’s lawyer confirmed this information, but noted that he doesn’t know anything about the actual submission of documents.

“As far as I know, the main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow plans to submit to the court its petitions regarding the extension of the arrest. But so far I have no evidence that the investigation has appealed to the court, ”the lawyer emphasized.

“No Kokorin - no football”

Meanwhile, on November 21, the media reported that Kokorin and Mamayev had sent the driver Solovchuk money as compensation for moral and material damage.

“In material terms, the issue with the driver is settled - the money is sent to the victim on a specially opened account for him, which can be presented in court as a mitigating circumstance,” TASS cites a source close to the investigation.

Lawyer Mamaev confirmed this information, but noted that Solovchuk still has not accepted the money.

“As for the payment to Solovchuk, the investigation satisfied our application and notified the victim that he has the opportunity to receive compensation. To date, the victim has not taken advantage of this opportunity. We did everything we could. They opened a special account that Solovchuk can use, having received the code, in particular from me, and providing a passport. I don’t know if the victim doesn’t take this money of his own free will, but I doubt that on his own. One can only guess about it, ”Bushmanov explained.

If many fans still need to punish Kokorin with Mamaev to the fullest extent of the law, then colleagues continue to support football players. So, the Serbian defender of “Zenith” Branislav Ivanovich said that in the absence of Kokorin in the St. Petersburg team “no football”.

“My opinion: no Sasha - no football. A lot depends on him in our team. So it was last year. Artem Dziuba is playing well this season, but Kokorin is still important. As soon as he returned from injury, he immediately began to give a result. We are all looking forward to it. It is much easier with him, because Sasha is a great football player and a wonderful person. We hope he will return as soon as possible ", - quotes Ivanovich" R-Sport ".

And Andrei Arshavin called Kokorin one of the most talented footballers in Russia.

“The strongest potential player in our team is Alexander Golovin. The second, unfortunately, sits in a pre-trial detention center. The rest of the lower level, "- said the former captain of the Russian team during a conversation with St. Petersburg students in the framework of the" Football Lesson ".