The national team of handball players concluded yesterday in Dubai, the fifth group that started on July 31, as part of their plans to participate in the 8th Asian Youth Championship, which will be hosted by the Jordanian capital Amman from September 14 to 24, World Macedonia.

The 5th internal assembly is part of a series of gatherings organized by the Federation of the Game for the Young Boys, which started on July 3, and was held in each of the clubs of Abu Dhabi and Dubai, especially as the 19 players who settled on the technical staff will be back tomorrow to attend an internal camp that runs until 17 month Before entering the holiday of Eid al-Fitr, which will be followed by the return to training on 24 and 25 of this month, and then go to the last camp in Macedonia, which runs until the ninth of September.

For his part, the coach of the national junior team Qassim Ashour, that the preparation plans are in accordance with the schedule of the subject of the team, and said in a press statement that: «The fifth assembly is an extension of the work plan itself adopted by the technical staff during the third and fourth clusters, In parallel to the physical and skill aspects of the players, compared to focusing more on the physical side that accompanied the first and second clusters ».

He added: "The stability of 19 players will enter tomorrow at an internal camp where we will coordinate with the Federation of the game and the clubs of Dubai to provide friction experiences with the first-row teams, and thus give players greater opportunities to benefit from the experience of friction with players who excel physically and skillfully, To allow the practical application of the plans that have been given to the players over the past weeks ».

He added: "We will face teams in the Jordanian championship teams ranked among the top four in the Asian continent, hence the keenness to provide long preparation stages for the players of the team, which is the same that led us to accompany the camp in friendly confrontations with teams from the first row.

"The average age of our players in Asia is about two and a half years, the physical factor and the physical difference is a challenge for the players, when they face players in the Jordan Championship more than two years ago, which has become a concern over the past period."

"We look forward to the positive side that this generation of players represents the nucleus of the UAE national handball team, and we are aware of the challenges we will face in the Jordan championship, but we are determined to be involved in order to achieve positive results, To the World Championship ».