The Lorient have brought a good point after being shoved in the first period by AJ Auxerre. The porter of the Merlus, Illan Meslier, was decisive.

Between two teams that aspire to access the elite, the poster promised radiant and despite a gloomy weather, the lawn was in excellent condition. The show was there, but there was no goal.

Auxerre, who is not always quiet at home, played well with Feret in the first half, but Lorient was good to regain color afterwards and steal a point that will count later.

A first ajaïste period

"I'll take it as a good point," answered Landreau with a smile. The beginning of the match was better managed by Auxerrois. After 25 minutes of play, we took over and caused more trouble at the AJA. We managed to make them run, to make them doubt. At the end of the match, with our entries, we could have made the difference, we had opportunities to get a little more ... We did not take a goal and it's good that Ilan Meslier was decisive. After what he experienced against Lens, it's an accelerated learning " for the goalkeeper who was unfazed in front of his line.

The Burgundians were eager to restore their image in front of their public after services at home, unconvincing, in recent days.

Well served by the untenable Boto, Féret first sent the ball on the cross of Meslier, confirmed in his post after some setbacks against Lens (6 '). A little later, the goalkeeper Lorient pushed on his line an attempt Dugimont (12 ').

Lorient was rather shy and Westberg had only to turn a corner of Claude-Maurice (16 ') with both fists. The Merlus could have opened the scoring on a stroke of luck, after a free kick by Claude-Maurice, but the recovery, involuntary, Féret, in its surface, landed on his post (30 ').

Lorient more comfortable after the break

The Auxerre midfield reacted and worried again Meslier (35 '). Lorient got himself moving and Mickaël Landreau reorganized his team by placing Claude-Maurice on the right, Ponceau being a bit overwhelmed by Boto.

Lorient was better, but did not shoot at goal! And on a ball balanced in the front by the defense of the AJA, Meslier out of its surface and he was not far from signing a decisive pass to Claude-Maurice, but the latter negotiated poorly the offering of his keeper, Wissa was countered thereafter (43 ').

Auxerre injured his adductor, losing his playmaker, Julien Féret (50 '). A blow for the Icaunais who lost fluidity, but this change could have made the happiness of Morbihannais. Only Philippoteaux had gone back up like a clock and he was giving Meslier the opportunity to stand out again (55 ').

Later, it was Mendes who came against the former Angevin Ketkeophomphone (62 '). Landreau had brought his forces (Cabot, Hamel) into the battle. The long center of Cabot was taken over by Le Goff, but his powerful shot put Westberg in contribution (64 ').

It was then that Lorient was finally going to frame a shot (the second): Claude-Maurice alerted Westberg who could not catch a lightning balloon, the chiseled Le Goff passed by (73 ').

Meslier still mastered his subject against Mancini, then Dugimont, and Lorient could be satisfied with the point taken in the Yonne.