Olympique de Marseille justified Monday by release a financial penalty against the group Commando Ultras, sign of renewed tension between supporters and leaders after months of calm.

The CU84 group called in a first statement Sunday night, its members to boycott the 8th finals of the Coupe de la Ligue between Olympique Marseille and Strasbourg, December 19, because the price of seats is higher for its members : 15 euros instead of 5 euros for members of other groups of fans turns.

In its statement issued Monday, the management of the OM evokes for its part "a transparent scale of sanctions that would be implemented in case of renewed use of pyrotechnic products . "

The use of these fumigens, important in the culture of ultra but forbidden supporters, entails sanctions. The bottom of the South turn, territory of the CU84, was closed for two matches after the "cracking" of many fumigants for the shock against Paris SG, on October 28th. He was closed Sunday against Reims (0-0).

For its part, the Commando Ultras, to "find a way out of these sanctions" , explains having "provoked several meetings during which we clearly explained to Messrs (Jacques-Henri) Eyraud (president), (Thierry) Aldebert (director of the safety) and (Jean-François) Richard (deputy general manager) our vision + ultra + of the animation, [...] that we would continue to light smoke when it seems to us, which was the case against Paris " .

The OM recalls in its statement that these fumigants have "cost to him a suspended exclusion of European competitions, as well as damaging closed doors" aiming in particular turns.

The club also highlights the "heavy financial penalties" it "had to assume" , valuing "more than a million euros last season . "

OM finally wants to "dialogue with all groups" and highlights the "outstanding and authentic contribution" of the CU84 to the status of "best public of France" of the Vélodrome