"Maybe all day will be canceled because we must ask the question of equity," asked the president of OL Jean-Michel Aulas, after the postponement of Lyon-Toulouse and PSG -Montpellier Saturday at the request of the authorities in the context of "yellow vests".

"I like things to happen normally," says Aulas. There, there will be change. Maybe the whole day will be canceled because we have to ask the question of equity, catch-up dates when we play the European Cups and the schedule is loaded .

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Ligue 1. PSG - Montpellier postponed at the request of the police headquarters

"It's a decision (the report sine die) that marks the current disorder in a society that gives priority to things that we would not like to see because they change the daily life of the French and penalize a number of craftsmen or people in difficulty to go to work, " continued JMA.

"There is also this huge desire to change things and freedom of expression. But we have used as a show operator or club leaders especially in important cities to take our responsibilities and assume them. There has been in the past the risk of attacks, " said the boss of the OL.

"You have to be factual and bow to the force of events. It's a bit like Kharkiv and martial law (which justified the relocation of the match that OL must play in the Champions League on December 12). There are the yellow vests and Toulouse. We will face and adapt, " he said on the sidelines of a press conference to present the Golden Ball of OL player Ada Hegerberg.