The Girondins de Bordeaux won 2-1 on Tuesday on the pitch of Angers, late match of the 17th day of Ligue 1.

Bordeaux returns to five points from Montpellier. The players of Éric Bedouet win a victory, well paid, but precious not to win the ranking. Even if they are only 11th with 25 points, with another game late, they reduce the gap on the 5th place occupied by Montpellier to 5 units.

A personal achievement of Karanoh. To win, the Bordelais were able to count on a personal exploit of Yann Karamoh, who gave the victory to his team after a magnificent rush of 50 m concluded by a striking returnee (2-1, 90 + 2) . The Girondins had opened the scoring thanks to Kalu, who had plunged past Capelle at the far post to push a Poundjé center (1-0, 31 '). But on a Tait corner, Mateo Pavlovic had tied the two teams (1-1, 64th).

Angers, who remained on 5 draws in the league, is treading water. With 20 points, the SCO is only three steps ahead of Dijon, 18th and virtual barrage.