
Professional baseball LG Twins are carrying measles before the season starts. It was not until recently that the players had trouble getting in and out of the casino. Today, infielder Yoon Dae - young was caught and drunk while driving.

It is Lee Seong-hoon.


LG's 25-year-old prospect, Yoon Dae-young, was caught in a police car while he was sleeping in his car on the second lane of the 7-lane road ahead of COEX in Samseong-dong, Seoul,

The blood alcohol level was measured at 0.106%, which is the de-licensed level of license revocation.

Yoon Dae - young awoke from his sleep and took off his brakes and made contact with a patrol car standing in front of him.

Yoon Dae-young, who returned to Korea after finishing training for Australia's first battery yesterday, said he was frustrated and drank alcohol after he missed the list of rechargeable batteries that started tomorrow.

The LG team, which was in shock, offered the strongest punishment.

I decided to release Yoon Dae-young as an arbitrary withdrawal, that is, I released an apology of the name of the club.

The LG Group, which had made a controversial decision on the 11th of the night for the signing of casino players, pledged to strengthen the training of the athletes, but in just two weeks, it caused an unreasonable accident and it was impossible to avoid the accusation of "lack of professional consciousness".

(Image editing: Park Chun-bae)