Hard road to the final

The world championship in Swedish Venersborg, despite the final victory, turned out to be extremely difficult for the Russian team. It is noteworthy that the tournament was originally supposed to be held in Irkutsk, but due to the unavailability of the stadium, it was decided to move the competition to Sweden, which somewhat increased the chances of the local team to take away the gold awards from Russia. Only these two teams traditionally claimed the victory and, with a stretch, the Finns.

As a result, the main favorites of the tournament met in the first match of the group stage, and the hosts won a beautiful victory - 6: 4. Even the hat-trick of Maxim Ishkeldin did not help the Russians to score points.

I had to suffer the current champion and with the Finns. Suomi's team opened the scoring in the third minute and left for a break, leading 2: 1. However, in the second half, the Russians showed character and, thanks to accurate throws of Evgeny Dergayev and all the same Ishkeldin, five minutes before the end snatched the victory.

But with the national team of Kazakhstan, the wards of Mikhail Yuriev played for their own pleasure. In the gates of the neighbors flew as many as 22 goals, and Alexander Egorychev and Artem Bondarenko distinguished themselves five times. Thus, the Russian team took the second place in the group and went directly to the semifinals, where it fought again against the Finns.

Suomi and in this match were able to spoil the blood of the favorite. After the first half, the scoreboard burned an equal score - 2: 2. But in the second half of the meeting, the Russians threw four unanswered goals into the opponent's goal and expectedly made their way to the final. In the other semifinal, Kazakhstan could not do anything with Sweden - 1:20.

Incredible salvation and a goal in overtime

Thus, in the finals of the World Cup for the third time in a row, the two strongest teams of the world met, and the Swedes in the eyes of their own fans intended to take revenge for the defeat in 2018.

And the hosts were really close to winning the trophy. Already in the first minute, Kristoffer Edlund opened the scoring. However, the Russians were able to quickly get together after an unsuccessful start, and Dergayev's efforts restored the status quo.

Nevertheless, the Swedes left for the break, comfortably leading the score (3: 1) thanks to two accurate throws in the end of the inning.

In the second half of the meeting, the wards of Yuriev set off in pursuit of the hosts, but they each answered their goals for successful actions of the Russians and kept a comfortable advantage of two goals. It seemed that the victory from Sweden was not going anywhere.

However, in the end of the match, Russian hockey players once again showed character. At first, Almaz Mirgazov reduced the backlog to a minimum, and at the last minute of the main time Yuri Vikulin turned the game into overtime - 5: 5.

In extra time, discouraged Swedes looked worse than the Russians and allowed the current champion to attack. As a result, in the second overtime, the same Mirgazov scored the “golden ball” and brought to the Russian team the 26th world champion title (taking into account the achievements of the USSR team).

Moreover, this trophy was the seventh for the national team in the last ten years, and since 2013, the Russian team only once lost to the gold of the Sweden tournament - in 2017.

"Proved to be the best team in the world"

Statistically, the author of the hat-trick in the final match Almaz Mirgazov made the greatest contribution to the next victory of the national team, but he himself rather modestly noted his efforts.

“We beat Sweden and proved that we are the best team in the world of hockey. I heard various conversations that the national team is no longer the same, and the Swedes can be safely crowned. Many thanks to my teammates, as this is a common victory and each of them has made a huge contribution to this success, "- quoted Mirgasov TASS.

According to the president of the Russian Bandy Federation (FHMR) Boris Skrynnik, the Russians once again reminded and proved to everyone that they deserve to be world champions in their sport, even with all the existing difficulties.

“The team won primarily due to the great desire and desire to win, perseverance and the ability to endure. And in extra time, I had some kind of inner, on a subconscious level, confidence that we would be able to finish the Swedes, ”RIA Novosti quotes Skrynnik.

She spoke about the success of hockey players and vice-premier of the Russian government on culture, sport and tourism Olga Golodets.

“The Russian national team won a brilliant victory at the world championship on hockey with a ball. The team in extra time managed to achieve the desired result, defeating a very worthy and strong opponent. Hockey players have demonstrated a very high level and incredible dedication ", - quotes the words Golodets" Sport-Express ".

“For us, hockey is a traditional sport, beloved in our country, and the victory of our team is doubly joyous for all fans. Separately, I would like to note the high organization of the World Championship in Sweden and thank the organizers for the real hockey festival, ”added the Deputy Prime Minister.

He also thanked the team for the game and the former world boxing champion Nikolai Valuev, who is on the FHMR executive committee.

“Emotions are not left. Nothing left, because we really burned them without a trace. It will take half an hour and desolation will come, because all the energy has gone to the ice. Thanks to the guys for the victory, they deserve it, ”stressed Valuev.