The 100th National High School Baseball Tournament Memorial Conference will be held on the 2nd day, 4 rounds in 1 round. Osaka king (Osaka Osaka) aiming for the spring and summer contest in the second game will play against Shinshin Gakuin (Tochigi).

First match Yamanashi Academy - Kochi

Kochi Trading has a batting average of 30% 9 in 1 games in the Kochi Games. It is a strike hitting actively from the early count. Yamanashi Gakuin also has not lost the batting line. Suzuki and Kagaki 's joining machines are key.

2nd Game Shinshin Gakuin - Osakaji Bunraku

While Osaka Kin Shaku aiming for the consecutive win of the spring and summer outstripped the throws, what kind of fight did Shinshin Gakuin learn the victory? It is an interesting strategy involving legs and putting it on the rise.

The third game Hokuou - Oki Gakuen

Hokeda's Harada is an unusual type with weapons of straight ball and slider as angles from left hand. How do Oka Gakuen whose primary preeminence attacks look like to respond? The captain 's first base of Abe is key.

Fourth match Asahikawa Univ - Saeki Saikori

How the Ashikawa Universe's right arm Numata suppresses Hitoshi Saku 's batting line, which is close to 40% of the batting average of the Nagano Competition. Numata has a fast ball in the mid 140 kg range, but I want to throw it carefully.