“They now have the opportunity to work out in the gym, which they use with might and main. The gym itself is small, about 25 square meters, and it is very damp there, in fact, in some places water is dripping. But the players were given the ball, ”RIA Novosti quotes Melnikov.

According to him, the athletes cannot fully train with the ball, but “they mint and do other exercises”.

He told about the request of human rights defenders to the leadership of the SIZO regarding dampness, to which the staff of the institution promised to rectify the situation.

“I would like to note that they train separately. In general, there are no complaints about the management of the institution and the conditions of detention, ”he stressed.

Earlier in the Public Observation Commission reported that the players began to engage in the gym "Butyrki".

Read more about how Kokorin and Mamaev maintain their form in the SIZO, read RT.