Nantes AHB coach Frédéric Bougeant resigned Wednesday night. The club, currently fifth in the Women's League with just five wins in ten games, must now find a replacement.

The board of directors and the president of the Nantes AHB (Women's Handball League), Arnaud Ponroy, registered Wednesday evening the resignation of their coach Frédéric Bougeant, and this despite "efforts to retain" from the president.

The club, currently fifth in the league with five wins for five defeats, will now activate to find a successor. "For the moment, I have not contacted anyone, I had put all my energy to retain Frédéric Bougeant," said Arnaud Ponroy. According to several concordant sources, Frederic Bougeant, who had pushed a joke last weekend, should not stay very long without a club, since he would have found an agreement with Bucharest.

The Nantes AHB has meanwhile until the end of December to find a new coach and build a new project. The women's league championship will indeed take a break during the women's handball Euro, which starts on November 29 in France.