European Tour - Honma Hong Kong Open - Round 2. Comfortable lead for Aaron Rai to lead in Hong Kong with four shots ahead of the second. The "roockie" Victor Perez is in the top 15. As for Victor Dubuisson, who returns after several months of absence, he misses the cut of little.

61 card for Aaron Rai in the second round of the Hong Kong Open, the first race of the 2019 calendar of the European Tour. The 23-year-old Englishman, who was pro in 2012 and has three wins in 2017 on the Challenge Tour, in Vaudreuil in particular and also in Andalusia and Kenya, is making a card with nine birdies. He finished 58th in the Race to Dubai in 2018.

The Korean Hyowon Park is four strokes away and the third, Mathew Fitzpatrick (England), is already six strokes away. Miguel Angel Jimenez, winner four times in Hong Kong does not pass the cut.

French side, Victor Perez points to a beautiful 14th place but already ten strokes of the head. For other tricolors, it is much more laborious, Gregory Bourdy escapes the cut, which is not the case for the rest of the hexagonals. Victor Dubuisson finished with two shots of the cut, he will certainly need some competitions to get back in the game, but his first performance for a year is far from ridiculous.

For further :

Hong Kong Leaderboard

The French