Uncertain until yesterday, Dimitri Payet will be present with Olympique de Marseille to face FC Nantes tonight in La Roche-sur-Yon in friendly (19 h 30). He will make a comeback after his injury in the final of the Europa League.

He had held only half an hour on the grass of the Groupama Stadium in Lyon, May 16 (3-0 defeat against Atletico Madrid), before collapsing, hit a thigh. An injury that deprived him of the end of the final of the Europa League, but especially the World Cup with the France team.

After 3 months away from the field, Dimitri Payet should return with his OM club, tonight in La Roche-sur-Yon (Vendée) against FC Nantes in friendly. A good return for the Phocéens, who started their preparation with two defeats against Béziers (L2, 2-1) and Saint-Étienne (1-0).

Good news also for Miguel Cardoso's Yellow and Green. The Portuguese coach said Monday, during the training session open to the public, he wanted to face training of a very good level, in order to locate his team after 3 weeks of preparation. And with Dimitri Payet, trained at FC Nantes, the Marseillais will probably be able to raise their level of play, to pose problems to the Canaries.

Note that Olympique de Marseille is still deprived of its internationals (Mandanda, Rami, Thauvin and Sakai), as well as Sertic and Ocampos (sprains) to challenge FC Nantes tonight at 19:30. On the Nantais side, the group will move in full force at La Roche-sur-Yon.