An Egyptian scientist has discovered a new way to honor fellow Manchester United star Mohammed Salah, who has won several individual awards over the past months as a result of his strong levels with his club throughout 2018. According to a report on Liverpool Echo, An Egyptian scientist named Mustapha Sharaf works as a professor of insects at King Saud University in Saudi Arabia. He discovered a new type of "ants" and decided to name him "Muhammad Salah".

This new type of ants has been discovered living in areas shaded by small shrubs and grass. The site of "Liverpool Eco" took care of this strange recognition of the kind, especially that the Egyptian world was present these days at the Liverpool Museum of the environment, where he works as a visiting professor, It is characterized by a long head and a bicolor body, according to the photographs published in the report.

"We decided to honor Mohammed Salah by associating his name with this new type of ant insect, which is now a symbol of the Liverpool club and the Egyptian ball," the Egyptian scientist wrote in his comment on the new discovery.