Toulouse, on Saturday in Pau, will be in the footsteps of leader Clermont who receives Sunday Lyon 10th day of the Top 14, after two weeks of international break. Follow the meeting live.

The coup de brilliance against Bordeaux (40-0) has confirmed the idea of ​​a Stade Toulousain in full rebirth and can shine even without its international and injured. It is on this wave that the men of Ugo Mola can surf to hunt on the lands of the Clermont leaders. For Pau, beaten at Racing (48-28) and Castres (37-10), it may be the last chance operation to stay in the race for qualification.

Composition of the teams:

Pau: Malié - Fumat, Stanley, Nicot, Votu - (o) C. Slade, (m) Daubagna - S. Armitage, Saili, Mowen - D. Foley, Metz - Adriaanse, L. Rey, Moses

Toulouse: Ramos - A. Bonneval, Guitoune, Ntamack, Tauzin - (o) Holmes, (m) Pagès - Madaule, Axtens, F. Cros - Tekori, Elstadt - Faumuina, Mauvaka, Castets