The 6th edition of the Challenge Trails Ouest-France Logémaine, which is enriched by a new race, will explore other playgrounds. Objective: to highlight the local geographic diversity with eight appointments to the race lovers program walk. Kick off Saturday at Écuillé.

For the sixth year, the Challenge Trails Ouest-France Logémaine will put its runnings on various playgrounds in Anjou .

Places animated by organizers who know how to highlight a natural local heritage, historical, sometimes industrial. No need for high alpine peaks, mangrove crossings, viaduct crossings to stimulate the interest of thousands of runners, every year more to furrow the paths of Maine-et-Loire.

The department has its own riches that allow everyone to discover a small piece of France where the Loire and its tributaries have carved relief floods, sometimes violent, in the rock or, gently, between two valleys bordered by sand and beer.

During this sixth season, some athletes will be able to discover the new race, the Crapahute de Bellevigne, in Thouarcé. It incorporates the challenge after a first edition unanimously appreciated last year (read moreover).

It is also the interest of this challenge, to discover new territories, for adventurers in runnings that must adapt to the conditions of play. "By participating in this challenge, I went to areas that I did not know, reminded Julien Vanneste, runner, during the awards night. Commons where I might not have gone otherwise. "

Discover new territories

The events proposed on the big and the small challenge, take the runners to destinations that most of them already know but that they rediscover often, from one year to the next.

The organizers work all year round to open new trails, new paths, between undergrowth and private parks, between streams and wineries.

"Do not fall into the routine, says Daniel Cantin, one of the manitous Kal Onna Trail, Chalonnes-sur-Loire. The idea is to allow riders to discover new territories, new tracks. "

This season, the Chalonnais will significantly modify their routes on the 30 and 17 km. "The problem is not finding new paths. The difficulty is to have permissions to cross private properties. Even if it happens very often well. This is another step in our schedule. "

For Yvon Prézelin, conductor of the trail of the Ragondins, the reflection is substantially the same. Except that ... "Around Cantenay-Épinard, we are encircled by the rivers and we have two bridges to cross on the course. Our choice is more limited. Moreover, on certain passages, we must play with the professional imperatives of some of our partners, for schedules for example. "

But, for all, the concern is the same: to offer each year new playgrounds to participants eager to discover. For fun, simply.

Écuillé. Night Trail. December 8, 2018. Grand Challenge on 23 km, small Challenge on 12 km. Other event, 6 km.

Chalonnes. Kal Onna trail. 7th of April 2019. Grand Challenge on 29 km, small Challenge on 15 km. Other event, 5 km.

Bécon- the -Granits. Granite Trail. April 14, 2019. Small Challenge only 15 km. Other event, 7.5 km.

Thouarcé, Bellevigne-en-Layon. The Craphute of Bellevigne. May 26, 2019. Grand Challenge on 28 km, small Challenge on 9 km. Other event, 18 km.

Cantenay-Spinach. Trail of the Ragondins. June 16, 2019. Grand Challenge on 33 km, small Challenge on 10 km. Other event, 17 km.

Allonnes. Deer Trail. July 28, 2019. Grand Challenge on 31 km, small Challenge on 9 km. Other event, 17 km.

La Pommeraye. Trail of the Mills. August 18, 2019. Grand Challenge on 30 km, small Challenge on 12 km. Another event, Cul Jau Trail on Saturday night for 15 km.

Juigné-sur-Loire. Trail Loire & Vines. September 1, 2019. Grand Challenge on 36 km, small Challenge on 9 km.