Frank Ntilikina, the highest drafted French player (by the New York Knicks in 8th position) in 2017, promised a lot when he left Strasbourg. And his first season in the Big Apple franchise seemed to justify the New York rulers who had selected him (almost 6 points average). This new season does not engage in the best way, the French leader having trouble in the shoot. And, suddenly, New York could let him go.

Frank Ntilikina, selected 8th in the 2017 draft by the New York Knicks, had high hopes for his first season at the Madison Square Garden tenant. Good defender, the former Strasbourg had also accumulated almost 6 points in his inaugural season.

But his second season New York does not seem to take the same path. Even if the playmaker always runs around 6 points average, he is in trouble with his shoot (33% success). At the beginning of the season, his minutes, he owes them to his great propensity to defend.

The bad pass of the Knicks sees the leader in great difficulty. He is less called by his coach David Fizdale. His playing time, very quickly, is reduced to a trickle. He even remained on the bench in the win over Milwaukee Bucks.

Orlando, Phoenix, Memphis, Minnesota and Brooklyn Interested

Rumors of transfer are even day: Orlando is first on the list, Phoenix, Memphis, Minnesota and Brooklyn will follow.

If his coach David Fizdale is reassuring that he should return to the rotation, there is surely no smoke without fire. He can still count on the support of his partners who praise his seriousness. Despite this, the Knicks are one of the most exposed franchises and, therefore, Ntilikina will have to quickly "buy" a shoot if he wants to last.