Defeated at home two weeks ago by leader Challans, Cep Lorient (2nd) reacted last weekend by winning Brissac. From now on, he must confirm at home, this Saturday night (8 pm) against Bordeaux (8th), before going to Le Havre (3rd), on December 7th.

Surprised by Challans during the last home run (defeat 59-99), while they remained on six consecutive wins, the Lorient have raised their heads perfectly last Saturday

by winning at Brissac. Their fifth consecutive victory away from Kervaric. This is an exceptional course for the men of Philippe Maucourant who have lost only once to the outside this season, in Vitré (75-77) during the second day.

"A significant margin of progress"

Forcibly, this capital points earned during his various trips allows the team from Lorient to consolidate its second place in the ranking with Le Havre, a victory only leader Challans. "After Bordeaux, there will be a little truce of fifteen days. This will be the first time we will have a little rest, and it will be necessary to manage this time with a lot of precaution. We have played games since the beginning and I was very happy to have won very quickly after the defeat against Challans. Because it's a sign of good health, "said Philippe Maucourant, the Morbihan coach.

To continue. "Now we will face Bordeaux a very difficult match to play. With a former international A (Ludovic Vaty), a former double MVP N1 (Richie Gordon when he played in Angers and Blois), and a team that knows each other well since most of the players have been at the club for three four years. Their collective base is solid. The last time we came to Kervaric, we did not do what we wanted to do. We have a significant margin of progression and the defensive and offensive intensity that we can put with a staff now complete, we do not touch it yet. "

The Cep Lorient is still very perfectible. But that does not prevent it from displaying a very good balance sheet after eleven days. And Lorient would be well inspired to win their ninth success of the season to spend the mini-truce warm, before going to Le Havre December 7.

CEP LORIENT . Leaders: Saounera (1.78m), Missonier (1.86m), Albicy (1.90m). Back wing: Semple (United States, 1.95 m), Bigote (1.90 m), Perroni (1.96 m), Brown (United States, 1.98 m). Interiors: Dargenton (2.04 m). Pivots: Pourchot (2.22 m), Samaké (2.01 m).

Coach : Philippe Maucourant.

BORDEAUX . Leaders: Cape (1.84m), Ayayi (1.88m), Saboie (1.84m). Rear wings: Prugnières (2.00 m), Dalmat (1.91 m). Hanck (1.92 m), Vialaret (1.93 m), Leonard (1.89 m). Interiors: Vaty (2.05 m), Gordon (United States, 2.03 m), Boyer (2.08 m); Louis-Louisy (2.05 m).

Coach : Joachim Duthe.