Throughout his career in the NHL - already five full seasons - Nikita Kucherov shows progress every year. In the first year in the overseas league, he did not differ in the rate of fire and was able to record at his own expense only 18 points (nine goals and nine assists) in 52 matches, but worked on the errors, and 12 months later he had an excellent result in 65 ( 29 + 36 points.

The previous championship was a breakthrough for Kucherov, during which for the first time he overcame the grandmaster’s bar of 100 points per season. Having missed only two meetings of the regular championship, the Tampa Bay Lightning attacker was marked with 39 goals and added to that 61 goal assists. The only sad thing is that even this did not help him become a top scorer and raise the Art Ross Trophy over his head. Its owner for the second consecutive year, a talented Canadian forward, "Edmonton Oilers" Connor McDavid (108 points), and the second place was taken by hockey player "Philadelphia Flyers" Claude Giroud (102 points).

However, already this season, Kucherov is going to not only repeat his amazing result, but also surpass it. The defeat of the “Washington Capitals” in the playoffs only hardened his team mates from Florida. This season, they prove that last year’s failure was a ridiculous accident. Among them, Nikita himself looks extremely motivated, he is one of the leaders of the bombing race. After just 28 matches, Lightning forward scored 12 goals, and assisted his teammates 30 times.

Kucherov demonstrates incredible stability and quite often produces amazing results. In the last ten fights, the striker from Florida did not leave the ice without scored points, and in a duel with the New Jersey Devils, he made an extravaganza at all: in the 14th minute of the meeting, he sent a projectile into the net of Keith Kincaid, and then helped do it to Braden Point, Tyler Johnson and Steven Stemkos. Only Yanni Gourd was able to distinguish himself without his help, and Tampa Bay won the sixth victory in the last seven games.

This allowed Kucherov to become the third hockey player of the league, which won the level of 40 points scored this season. In addition to it, only Colorado Avalanches forwards - Canadian Nathan McKinnon (43 points) and Finn Mikko Rantanen (45 points) can boast of such efficiency.

It is noteworthy that the author of the only puck "New Jersey" was another Russian hockey player. This summer, former SKA striker from SKA Yegor Yakovlev went to conquer the NHL, but so far he could not score goals. In the previous seven matches, the athlete recorded two assists, and in the eighth he finally hit the opponent's goal.

As for Kucherov, this day was special for him on one more occasion. The match against New Jersey became the 100th striker in his career, in which he scored at least two points. After the game, team-mate achievement was noted by Tampa Bay captain Stephen Stemkos. According to him, the bombing successes of Kucherov are worth a lot.

“People do not understand how difficult it is to show similar results in the league, especially if you are one of the top hockey players, and rivals act specifically against you. It is difficult and sometimes the athlete lacks confidence. But if you felt it, then try to keep this feeling as long as possible. We can say that Kucherov wants to get the puck, demands it and decides how to play himself, ”the NHL official website quotes Stemkos.

Braden Point, who thanks in large part to Kucherov, is one of the best snipers of the season with 20 goals, admired the actions of his partner in the link.

“It is pleasant to play with Kucherov, because he sees ice well. He has excellent skills, he can deliver you the puck at any time. I just have to take a comfortable position, ”admitted Point.

Not left without a hockey player and Tampa Bay head coach John Cooper, who highlighted the actions of the entire link - Kucherov, Point, Johnson.

“This trio looks good. They are always in the right place and do the right thing. In addition, they have high skill and desire to compete. They did a great job and were rewarded for it, ”added Cooper.