Al-Ahly's board of directors issued an official statement in which it clarified its position on the statements made by the chairman of the Saudi Sports Association, the president of the Arab Football Federation Turki Al-Sheikh, yesterday, Tuesday, in which he confirmed that he is forgiving all within Al-Ahly club. The text of the statement:

(Al-Ahly Club) received the attention and appreciation of the comments of the adviser of Turki Al-Sheikh, President of the General Authority for Sport in Saudi Arabia, and made yesterday in a satellite channel, and included his initiative, which expressed his keenness on good relations with Al-Ahly club, and the public and its president). In this context, the Board of Directors of Al Ahli Club would like to clarify the following:

1. Al-Ahli club is always moving within the framework of its social and national responsibility, and is fully aware of its leading role as the largest sports entities in our Arab country, in consolidating the distinguished relations between the Arab masses and away from any sedition that may affect them.

2. The Board of Directors of Al-Ahli Club appreciates the initiative of Counselor Turki Al-Sheikh to close the page of disagreements, which has not been and will not benefit any party. Al-Ahly confirms that this respect is met with all due respect and joins in halting all legal proceedings between all parties. This page is final, and focus on the work that promotes our sport in Egypt and the Arab world.

3. Al-Ahly wishes to congratulate Al-Shaikh Turki Al-Sheikh and his partner investors in their new experience at Pyramids, as part of the honorable competition to raise the value of Arab sports.

Turki al-Sheikh had announced in televised statements yesterday his waiver of all the cases he filed against against the board of Ahli club after a period of friction between the parties.