UAE player Waleed Ambar said he was confident his chances of representing the team would inevitably come and stressed that he would strive even more in the run-up to the 2018 Asian Cup in January to get his chance to play for the team.

"I have not lost hope and I still trust that national coach Alberto Zaccheroni will call me white," he told Emirates Today. "I will not be standing in my hands for less than 50 days before the start of the Asian Cup and I will double my efforts during my next game."

Ambar said that if he was not called, he would turn to encouraging the boys in the stands, in order to encourage his teammates to achieve the grand continental title. "I'm not a stranger to the teams, maybe here the players do not get, From clubs that do not have the opportunity to call the first team, certainly this will not stand a hindrance and I will do everything in my power to get a chance even in the future ».

The 25-year-old, who has played 135 appearances so far, said the team could honor the Asian Cup with a better position than their previous positions. "The hosting of the tournament gives players the confidence to deliver the best performance, As they will receive considerable support from the masses.

Al-Ahly said: "Both clubs are my home and there is no difference between them. Whenever I need them, I am ready to meet the appeal. The Emirates team grew up and I spent the most beautiful days in the youth of Ahli. I consider my frequent transfers between the two clubs as coming out of the right eye and going to the left eye, there is no difference. "

"It was certainly difficult for me, but I'm not angry because I respect the coach's point of view, while I know my abilities and believe in them completely," he said. "At the beginning of the season, the manager told him that the Chilean coach Jose Sierra had put him out of his calculations and that he should look for another club. "The Emirates team management asked me to go back to Ras Al Khaimah and I agreed immediately."

"It was definitely difficult for the team, and now we have to think positively and take advantage of that lesson so that it does not happen again," he said.

• Emirates Club and Al Ahli Youth are my home and no difference between them, and whenever I need either of them I am ready to meet the appeal.