A number of players (Stars 90) presented four tips for the players of the national team before facing Thailand, this evening, at the stadium Hazza bin Zayed Al Ain, at the end of Group A matches of the Group A Asian Cup hosted by the UAE until the first of November, Emirates Al-Youm »These tips are to play with a high fighting spirit, to show the honorable face of the UAE football which hosts this great Asian event, to respect the competitors and not to underestimate him, and to deal with him as a strong competitor, after reviving his hopes, not just an easy team can be won With ease, take advantage of the lesson The Bahraini team, which suffered a sudden loss from Thailand, fought the game with the desire to win and win the three points and lead the group, because qualifying well gives players confidence in themselves in the next phase, and not to qualify to qualify as the third team, and beware of the surprises of the Thai attack, which is fast and surprising Reach the goal.

Former international player Khalil Ghanem stressed that Thailand's match will not be easy in any way. The players should take into account Thailand's surprise win over Bahrain in the last round, stressing that technical matters are the coach's responsibility. "He said that the team is characterized by the presence of a large number of players with experience, pointing out that everyone is waiting for the players to do everything they have in the stadium, considering that it is better for the team to issue the group because it facilitates his mission in the next stage.

"The players have to realize that Thailand is a cup match, and the result is the fate of the team, so each player is required to fight on the pitch, to have the spirit of one team, to persevere and respect the opponent."

Former international player Hussein Ghuloom said he hoped the team would play well in Thailand and that he would show his identity and strong personality on the pitch. He said he hoped the coach, Alberto Zaccheroni, would look back at the way he plays. The reason why some players do not appear at their real levels, pointing out that there are three players in the team, namely: Amer Abdulrahman, Khamis Ismail and Ali Salmin, are playing the same role, considering that this restricts the freedom of players in the stadium and thus reflected negatively on the team in general .

"If the reason why the team does not appear at the real technical level is that the players do not understand the way the team plays, the players, especially the big ones like Ismail Matar, must ask the coach to change them," said Hussein Ghuloom. The players, until the team regain its luster ».

The former international player, Abdul Aziz Mohammed, that there is no choice but to win the game and the group deserves to regain the reputation and status as a strong team hosts the tournament at home and in the crowd.

"For us as experienced players and our presence at the 90th World Cup in Italy, we offer all the moral support to the players and our confidence in them to play this game with all seriousness, strength and determination, to achieve the victory that awaits all the people of the UAE," said Abdulaziz Mohammed. .

"Although the performance of the team in this tournament was not convincing, especially in the games of Bahrain and India, but the opportunity is still available to White Stars to correct this image, and show the true face of the UAE football, and we have seen during this tournament a great sense of responsibility for the players dumped Each of them has to represent his country best represented in this great Asian event. "

For his part, the former international goalkeeper, Abdul Qader Hassan, great confidence in the ability of the players, saying that the precious victory achieved by the team against India with two goals without a response, and harvested the points of the game, will give the players a significant incentive in the game Thailand to continue the task successfully, Has been supporting the team since the beginning of its dislike in the championship.

The 4 Tips

1 - Play with a high fighting spirit.

2 - Respect for competitors and not underestimated him.

3 - not to qualify to qualify as the best third.

4 - beware of the surprises of Thailand.