The route of the international Paris SG at the World Cup-2018 in Russia will bring about 3.4 million euros to the French club, under an agreement between FIFA and the European Association of Clubs (ECA), has unveiled Tuesday this one

In total, Fifa must pay 209 million dollars (184% EUR) to 416 clubs, including 254 established in Europe, having sent players to the World Cup, said in a statement the ECA.

The amount allocated to each club was determined according to the number of players participating in the World Cup and the time they spent in the competition.

Thus, the PSG of Neymar, Di Maria, Cavani, Meunier and Mbappé will receive the sum of 3.9 million dollars (about 3.4 million euros), the highest sum among the clubs of the Championship of France .

Next are Monaco (USD 2.9 million, EUR 2.5 million), Marseille (USD 1.3 million, EUR 1.15 million), Toulouse (USD 1 million, EUR 0.88 million) and Lyon (0.9 million EUR). M USD, EUR 0.79 million), for a total of $ 15.3 million (EUR 13.4 million) paid to the French Football Federation, responsible for redistributing the sum. Ligue 2 clubs like Valenciennes or the Red Star will also earn money.

In the other European leagues, Manchester City has the biggest check with nearly $ 5 million, ahead of Real Madrid ($ 4.8m), Juventus Turin ($ 3m) and Bayern Munich ( USD 2.7 million).