Ireland has completed the draw procedure for the qualifying draw for the 2020 European Championship. The Russian national team was sown in the second basket, so it could not avoid meeting with the most powerful teams of the continent. Nevertheless, fortune was quite favorable to the squad of Stanislav Cherchesov, who won only one opponent as rivals, who can be safely classified as grandees. They became Belgium, which won bronze medals at the 2018 World Cup. Also in the sextet I got Scotland, Cyprus, Kazakhstan and San Marino.

In general, the teams were distributed fairly harmoniously. The “group of death” can only be called a quintet C. It will be the second round of rivalry between the national teams of Germany and the Netherlands, who have already managed to play in the League of Nations. Then luck accompanied Orange, who first defeated the bundestim in his field, and then snatched a draw at a party. As a result, the wards of Joachim Loew could not win a single victory and left Division A.

Very comfortable rivals got the British and current world champions to the French. "Three Lions" is located in the first quintet and will compete for access to the continental championship with the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Montenegro and Kosovo. The tricolors were in group H along with Iceland, which had failed in the League of Nations, as well as Turkey, Albania, Moldavia and Andorra.

The results of the draw were appreciated by the head coach of the Russian team Stanislav Cherchesov. According to the mentor, the coaching staff will have to work hard in preparing for the matches.

“Of those teams that have fallen into us, by and large, we only know Belgium. We have not met with the Scots, the Kazakhs, so we need to collect information. Experience suggests that the main thing is not who you play with, but when and in what condition, ”Cherchesova quotes the RAF press service.

The coach noted the fighting of two Scottish players, but did not put them on a par with the giants of world football.

“We must be objective: they do not have the raisin that the Spaniards, the Argentines, have. In any case, the main thing - what will we be. Now we are faced with injuries, and everything has changed, but this concerns not only us. Belgium - the first in the ranking today. No comments, the team won the bronze medal at the World Championships. But if they do not have ten football players in the line-up, it’s not yet known how they will play, ”the coach said.

Vice President of the RFU Sergei Anokhin respectfully responded to all the participants of the sextet, but noted that the Belgians would be the main rival for Cherchesov’s charges.

“Now there are no weak opponents in world football. I am sure that the Russian team will fight for first place with Belgium. Our team will make every effort to successfully pass the qualifying tournament and reach the final stage of the European Championship. Moreover, the four Euro matches will be held in St. Petersburg. There are groups and heavier. After sleeves and with a hateful mood you should not treat anyone. Of course, we need to win in every meeting, this is the setting of our athletes, ”RIA Novosti quotes Anokhina.

Mistaken with the flag of the Netherlands 😳

Correcting 🇳🇱 ≠ 🇵🇹 # / o9Jo5hcJdX

- in Russian (@UEFAcom_ru) December 2, 2018

The functionary noted the strengths of the current bronze medalists of the World Cup.

“The Belgians showed very good football and the result at the World Championships, they have systematic work in the federation, they are on the rise. The remaining rivals in the group are strong enough, everyone will play to win. Scotland is a serious opponent, they learned to play in Cyprus. San Marino is an exotic team, it will be interesting to see the country, ”Anokhin added.

The captain of the Russian national team Artem Dzyuba was also cautious in the comments. According to him, the path to the championship of the continent will be difficult for the team.

“I started watching the toss-up at home, then I had to go to the airport, and then I watched the ceremony on the Internet. The group is very heavy. Belgium is a tough favorite of the group, it is one of the best teams in the world, along with France and Spain. Scots are very unpleasant, especially in his field. Cyprus is also a home team, anyone can spoil the nerves. At home, Kazakhstan sometimes catches rivals. The only thing I liked was that we got a team from San Marino. I am always glad to him. We will fight for the ticket, the battle promises to be hot! ”The RFU press service quotes Dziuba as saying.

His partner in Zenit, Alexander Erokhin, also oversaw the procedure at the airport. Midfielder highlighted the strength of the national team of Belgium.

“The group is quite interesting. Belgium is one of the leading teams of the world, at the moment they are in the first place in the FIFA rankings. In their face we got one of the most difficult rivals. Scotland is also a very uncompromising team. It is important to concentrate on the matches with Cyprus, Kazakhstan and San Marino, ”believes Erokhin.

Spartak midfielder Roman Zobnin did not select only two teams, adding Scotland to the top favorites. He is confident that in the fights with her Russians will not be easy, first of all, because of the fans in the stands.

“I remember the match against Glasgow Rangers on the road, it was very hard. Fans are very driven team forward. And in general, now with all rivals is not easy, everyone knows how to play football. We need to tune in to the maximum for everyone, to go out and give one hundred percent, ”Zobnin stressed.

The midfielder of the national team Ruslan Kambolov, like many others, especially noted the preparation of the “red devils”. According to him, the fight for a ticket to the Euro 2020 will unfold between Russia, Belgium and Scotland.

“But three other teams can give a surprise. The Belgians are favorites, but they definitely won't be easy. By the way, Kazakhstan is a symbolic team for me, because it was in the match with her that I made my debut as part of the Russian team, ”said the midfielder Rubin.

Agreed with Kambolov and his colleague in the national team Andrei Semenov. According to the lawyer, the Russians have a chance to compete for the first line.

“Departure to Scotland? With them it is always hard, with the Rangers and Celtic our teams had a hard time. They offer athletic football, it will be difficult with them. We played friendly matches with Kazakhstan, they have a good team, but we need to beat them. As for Cyprus, to be honest, I don’t know anything about this team, but if the weather is hot, it will be the same for everyone, ”the Championship quotes Semyonov.

Experts are extremely positive about the chances of the Russian national team in first place in sextet I.

“The Russian national team at the moment shows a high level, plays well on home arenas, collects full stadiums. It should be noted the class of selection of players and the professionalism of the head coach of the national team Stanislav Cherchesov. Therefore, we are able to get out of the first place, ”TASS quoted the words of former CSKA player Rolan Gusev.

Alexander Mostovoi, a former Selta midfielder, said that Russian footballers can already safely prepare for the start of the 2020 European Championship.

“We can say that we have already left this group. Of course, our (group. - RT ) is below average. We can say that with the exception of Belgium there is no one there at all. It is clear that two teams qualify: Russia and the "Red Devils". San Marino team can not score the ball. And Cyprus is not even Greece, and not even Montenegro, ”said Mostovoy.

However, he noted that the national team of Scotland is able to successfully play in his field, but in general is "limited and mediocre."

"I will not name the stars," concluded Mostovoi.

As the former CSKA head coach Valery Gazzayev noted, after the success at the World Championships, the Russian national team must confirm its status in the qualifying tournament of Euro 2020.

“Absolutely normal draw. The level of our team is quite high, as well as reputation. Today we need to prepare for the European Championship. The issue of leaving the group should no longer face the national team. Once and for all. Yes, the sextet is flat, two clear favorites - Russia and Belgium. Scotland and Kazakhstan are teams that will beat our nerves, ”Gazzaev told RIA Novosti.

The former president of the Russian Football Union, Vyacheslav Koloskov, also expressed confidence in the class of the Russian team, but called on the players to show themselves in meetings with any opponent.

“We have already played with Belgium, and then it was 3: 3. But it is clear that they are favorites of our group. It all depends on us. If there are no injured, then the team is in good order, our squad is well-trained, well-prepared. All other rivals are lower class, but this does not mean that one can go out and beat everyone in the rhythm of tango, dancing. We must rest and fight, as it should. " - concluded Koloskov.