"In the stands there is a group of people who continue to do something against the team"

- On Sunday, Spartak won an emotional victory over Lokomotiv, finishing the match with ten players. How hard was it for the team, in your feelings?

- It was extremely important for us to get the upper hand in the reporting meeting. As in terms of emotions, which you mentioned, and in terms of the overall state of the team. The state of happiness from success in such matches lasts longer, so preparing for the final meetings of the calendar year is a little easier.

- Did you like the atmosphere of the match? Did she fully fit the derby concept?

- Yes, without a doubt. Personally, I was pleased with what was happening on the field. First of all, it concerns our team - everyone came out extremely motivated, determined to fight, fought for each other, were one. This is a great feeling.

- What can you say about the support and atmosphere in the stands?

- She left ambivalent emotions. You know, I sincerely wish that tensions remain in the camp of the fans. It is gratifying that most of the stadium sincerely and ardently supports his team, drives it forward and helps to win. But, unfortunately, in the stands remains a group of people who continue to confront the team. It is sad to see. I believe that in the near future it will all end, and we will return to what I started in “Spartacus” - in line with the slogan “one for all and all for one”.

  • Luiz Adriano: “Much of what is happening is unacceptable”

- In the last two home games of Spartak, fans ran out on the field. But, if on Sunday one of them expressed his support for Denis Glushakov, then on Thursday the situation turned out to be the opposite - in an aggressive manner the fan decided to express his displeasure to the midfielder . Can you tell me what happened then?

- During the game with Rapid, the security of the stadium did not immediately respond to the fan race, so it turned out that I was the first to help Denis. He simply could not do otherwise - he is part of our football family, and it’s customary to protect the family to the last.

“But from the outside, your actions looked a little aggressive.” Are you really so angry about the fact that a fan ran out on the field with similar goals?

- Of course, I was angry, and you would have experienced other emotions? This man was ready to fight with Denis, which is why my actions could seem aggressive. Everything is very simple - we respect everyone, but in return we want the same. Such attempts should be stopped in the bud, in my understanding, such behavior is simply unacceptable!

- You are an experienced footballer, you managed to play in Ukraine and Italy before the RPL. Not previously faced with the situation that has now developed around the "Spartacus"?

- I've never seen anything like it. In my career there were no episodes when a fan runs on the field and tries to fight with a player of his own team.

- How hard is it for a team to play and train under such pressure?

- Of course, the current situation affects the team. After all, we are not just entering the field to do our work in an empty stadium. We play with people and for people and we need their support! Speaking against one football player, people influence the whole team, since we are a single organism. I'm talking about Denis Glushakov, who, despite this attitude from a group of fans, beats on the field and does everything to win. Personally, I am pleased to see such a commitment in this situation. She says a lot.

- One of the requirements put forward by the fan association “Fratria” is the deprivation of Denis Glushakov of the captain’s armband. Has the attitude to Denis within the team changed?

- My opinion: the fans are not entitled to demand this. The captain is chosen by the team. Glushakova we chose. This is our decision and no one should try to influence the processes in the team. After all, we, the Spartak players, are leaving the field for Glushakov, and then we discuss mistakes and rejoice in victories with him.

- A lot of rumors about the election of the captain. A number of media outlets are replicating information that players of the youth have voted for Denis Glushakov, while the base players wanted to see another person with a bandage ...

- This is absolutely not true. We have no children in the team, all adults, experienced people and know perfectly well what they want. To talk about falsification and some kind of deliberate conspiracy is simply inappropriate.

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This is not the easiest period in my life, everyone who knows me is aware of how much I love Spartak. Whatever happens, first of all you need to think about the team, and not about me, other players, or any other person. We need to think about Spartak, support it, and believe that we still have chances to achieve something this season! I would also like to express support to the fan who ran out onto the field today. I do not approve of his action, but the guy ran out and made it clear that he just wanted to shake my hand and express support in this way. I hope he will not be punished much. At least I would not want that. All, without exception, fans with a victory !!! # Spartak # victory # team

Publication by Denis Glushakov (@ glushak8) December 2, 2018 at 11:49 PST

- The team has already spoken in support of the captain. This was done by individual players, for example, Andrei Yeshchenko and Alexander Selikhov. However, these actions also cause a negative reaction in a part of the audience. Do you understand why this is happening?

- Not. Maybe these people do not understand that we really support Denis. Or they are purposefully opposed. Why? I find it hard to explain. But, anyway, the actions of the group of fans will not affect our decision in any way. We accepted it and will stay with Denis.

- By the way, they also managed to accuse you of insincerity. This happened after you ran to celebrate the third goal against “Wings of the Soviets” against Oleg Kononov ...

- This is strange. I acted on emotions and wanted to show everyone that we are united by one thought, we go together to victories and together must celebrate success.

"Massimo left, but the club and the fans remained"

- Is it possible to say that the starting point of the current situation was the dismissal of the ex-coach of Spartak Massimo Carrera?

- Yes, this is possible, because Massimo liked the fans both as a coach and as a person. He really did a great job at the club, won the long-awaited medals. But he left, but the team and the fans remained. Now we need to move on. Football players to play, and fans to support their club. In my understanding, football life is exactly that way.

- Tribunes chanted the name of Massimo Carrera and after he left the club. Did this surprise you?

- Yes, it seems to me that this is strange. Indeed, there were cases when, after a goal scored, we walked to the podium to celebrate a goal together, but the fans started chanting the name of the previous coach. It turns out that they are personal fans of Massimo, and not “Spartacus”? Personally, I am not a secret, I treat him perfectly, we have excellent relations - but he left, but the club remained and its colors need to be protected all together.

  • Luiz Adriano: “Everyone needs to protect the colors of the club together”

- I want to understand what happened in the team during the change of coach. There are a lot of rumors and speculations that Spartak is divided into certain groups, that the legionnaires stay away from the team, and the Russian backbone in the person of Denis Glushakov, Dmitry Kombarov, Andrey Eshchenko and Artem Rebrov has personal goals and has tremendous impact on the team. It's true?

- It seems to me that this question must first be asked to those who disseminate this false information, and clarify with them why they are doing it. As for the relations within the team, it’s understandable that, like in any other team, we communicate with teammates differently. I am friends with someone, I simply have friendly relations with someone. But everything that you asked above — there never was such a thing here in Spartak. The team has no division into groups.

- After being appointed as the head coach of Spartak, Oleg Kononov admitted that he had found the team in a difficult moral condition, and later said that it introduces post-match team dinners to the practice, in which besides the players there will be club members and even wives with children. What else has changed in the team with his arrival?

- Yes, the tutor told the truth. We really had a hard time. Kononov is doing a lot of work on changing the microclimate, he achieves this in different ways: from jokes and jokes on the field to individual conversations with each of the players. The results of his actions are already being felt: we have ceased to feel the full weight of the negative burden that previously put pressure on the team.

- Does the management of Spartak take part in the life of the team? You have something to compare with - you spent many years in Shakhtar Donetsk.

- Yes, in Donetsk Rinat Akhmetov was with the team, he always went in contact with the players. Leonid Fedun also does not leave us without attention. We talk, meet in the locker room after the matches and at the base in Tarasivka. We are constantly with the leadership in the dialogue - such contacts are good for everyone.

"No one has canceled the task to fight for the championship"

- Before the series of decisive matches, Spartak suffered personnel losses. Andrei Yeshchenko went to Rome for examination, the club’s doctors are actively engaged in the restoration of Fernando. How do you feel, because in the match with Lokomotiv you also suffered damage.

- Yes, I got a lot in one of the game episodes. I was a bit limp. But overall, I feel good, ready to enter the field if the coach needs it. Frankly, I was more upset when asked to replace Fernando. I would like to hope that he will return to the ranks in the near future.

- Oleg Kononov said that at the moment the team shows only 20% of what he wants to see on the field. Does the team have the potential to meet the expectations of a mentor?

- Just give us time. The main thing is that we understand what the coach wants, over time, the team will unfold and play at its maximum capacity.

- One of the discoveries of the past month was Sofyan Hanni, who played under a new level under Oleg Kononov. Experts and fans admire your understanding on the field. How did you achieve this, and why did your bundle not act so productively before?

- I fully share the high opinion regarding the game Hanni. The new coaching staff was able to find an approach to it. As for mutual understanding, it is present in the entire attack group. I mean myself, The Luis and Hanni. This is largely due to the fact that recently we have been training together, we are not divided into groups, therefore, the understanding of each other is strengthened even in the training field.

- Do you agree with the fact that Spartak still needs a strong striker who will take the place of Quincy Promes who left the club?

- With all due respect to Promes, a wonderful striker who did a lot for the club, I think that at the moment the team has a great line of attack. We have Sofyan Hanni, Pedro Rocha, Sasha Lomovitsky and Alexander Samedov. With such a selection of players, gain is not required.

- And if you compare the group of attacks "Spartacus" with the same in other clubs? Do not you think that CSKA with Fedor Chalov and Nikola Vlašichem and Zenit with Artem Dzuba look no worse on your background?

- Not worse, but we are stronger.

- In this case, who is the best forward RPL to date?

- There are two of them. Luiz Adriano and Zé Luis.

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Meu irmão Zezinho

Posted by Luiz Adriano # 12 (@luizadrianinho) Dec 3, 2018 at 3:06 PST

- The last tour of the RPL was successful for you. Spartak took three points, while Zenit suffered a sensational defeat in Tula. The separation is reduced. Believe that you are able to return to the title race?

- No one cancels the goal to fight for the championship. Our club faces such a task, and fortunately for now the circumstances are such that we can still solve it.

- The calendar year the team will finish on the road in Spain. Do you think the match with Villarreal is a turning point in the current season?

- At a minimum, this game is important for us from the point of view of the future prospects of playing in Europe. But even if something goes wrong, the season will not be over. In addition to the Europa League, we have something to fight for. But the team will not surrender without a fight, we will fly to Spain and will do everything to finish the year with a good mood and a ticket to the playoffs of the tournament.