"Tired and almost immediately fell asleep"

- What emotions did you have after winning a silver medal at the European Championships?

“Glad it's over.” After the rental, during the scoring, tears of happiness overwhelmed me, but after returning to the room, all emotions had disappeared. Very tired and almost immediately fell asleep.

- Is it true that the day of the execution of an arbitrary program was not easy for you?

- The day was tense. In the morning someone made a wrong number and woke me up with an active thud at six in the morning. It was not possible to sleep even after the morning workout - a fire alarm was triggered at the hotel. From the room I heard everyone running down the corridor, but he was in no hurry to go anywhere. I calmly cleaned myself up, got ready ...

- Interrupted sleep and rhythm disturbed your condition during the rental?

- On the contrary, these moments cheered and led to feelings. Helped to disconnect from the start.

- When you finished your free program “Arena - Minsk” exploded with emotion. You didn’t have the feeling that maybe you’ll be the European champion?

“I didn't think about anything then.” The main thing for me was that I overcame myself. Coming out of the ice, I already knew that somewhere on the pedestal. But more pleased with the fact that I was able to roll up to the end. I admit honestly, to ride with so many people is difficult. On the one hand, they charge you with energy, on the other - you give them everything inside.

- Second place: victory or defeat?

- It depends on how to assess the situation. Of course, I’m a little upset that I’ve barely had enough gold, but on the other hand, this is my first medal and a starting point for future victories. Now I know what I can do. Let's just say it was a kick ahead. In addition, Javier Fernandez was the last start, he gave everything 100%.

“I am ready to perform two quadruple jumps”

- Had time to analyze your performance?

- A lot of mistakes were made in the short program, even then I lost a lot of points. However, I do not regret that I went to the quadruple flip. I heard that many experts say that it was not worth it - we think differently with the coach. If you try something new, when, if not now? Now I know how to enter this jump, and by the next start I will be ready much better.

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A small gift for the New Year🎉 Thank you Svetlana Vladimirovna and the Team😄 We have +1 пот # potemtoravvat неот do not leave the girlsд

Publication by Alexander Samarin (@ alexander.samarin) 29 Dec 2018 at 8:26 PST

- What do you mean by saying that you understood how to enter the flip?

- Each new leap at competitions is a different sensation. In training, I performed it steadily, but when you go during a performance, the nerves are at the limit. It knocks down. Morally, I went to him correctly, physically, so far failed. But I can say to you and to myself: I am ready to perform two quadruple jumps - a lutz and a flip.

- Have you started training him for a long time?

- The first time purely performed before the New Year. Jump happened already the second time. Perhaps this is my personal record.

- It turns out already at the Universiade in Krasnoyarsk from you to wait for the pure performance of this jump?

- We'll see. At least, I'm not going to simplify the program. Originally planned to show it there.

- Is your participation in the Universiade confirmed?

- I am announced for the tournament, I am preparing for it. I hope that I will perform both there and at the World Championships.

“The coach supports me in everything”

- This season you have become actively tightening the choreographic component of your programs. Tell us how this work goes.

- That's right. Rehearsing with Ramil Mehdiev (artist of the Folk Dance Ensemble named after I. Moiseev - RT ). We are engaged in classical choreography, we focus on dancing. We spend with him every day for several hours in the dance hall. He is a great artist with great experience. Hopefully, the benefits of this tandem will be points that I will stop losing for artistry.

- hard to do?

- Yes, but I like it. By the way, on the ice to perform everything becomes easier. Emancipation comes, it is easier for me to control the body and hear the music. By the way, Ramil came to Minsk to cheer for me. He said that he had seen a lot of shortcomings that we have to work on.

- How do you cope with pressure, problems ... on your own or ask someone for help?

- I try to solve all my questions myself, but my coach, Svetlana Vladimirovna Sokolovskaya, always helps me in everything. She is always with me, supports, worries. I'm definitely not alone. In addition, there is my family, the federation of figure skating, my team - they also come to the rescue when necessary.

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Congratulations to your favorite coach, Svetlana Vladimirovna, on your professional holiday !!! Thanks a lot!!! And, of course, our friendly team with this wonderful day !!!

Publication by Alexander Samarin (@ alexander.samarin) Oct 30 2018 at 8:11 pdt

- You are a very calm person, your coach, on the contrary, is a temperamental person. Does this difference go into plus or minus your collaboration?

- In the plus. She can push me. Teaches me to pursue my own. It helps not only on ice, but also in life. I think we are great complement each other.

- Is it true that you want to become a children's trainer?

- Yes, I am very interested in this direction. I want to understand how it works. Let's just say, start with the basics. However, I hope that I will not have to take up the work with the younger generation seriously any time soon - as long as I want to ride myself.

- What did figure skating teach you?

- Never give up, believe in yourself, know that there are no problems that cannot be solved.