On Wednesday, December 5, the capital court will consider a petition by the investigation to extend the detention of famous football players Alexander Kokorin and Pavel Mamaev in custody. Initially, it was decided that the athletes will be in "Butyrka" until December 8. But if the petition is granted, the Zenit forward and the midfielder of Krasnodar risk spending at least two more months in the SIZO.

At the same time, public opinion regarding the severity of punishment for athletes is divided.

Stanislav Cherchesov, the head coach of the Russian national team, expressed the opinion that this incident received such a wide response only because of the fame of the participants.

“The story is undoubtedly regrettable, but it could have happened to the artist, to the skater, and, sorry, to the journalist. I would like to quickly draw a line under an unpleasant situation, ”Cherchesova TASS quotes.

At the same time, he expressed the opinion that "Kokorin and Mamaev had enough time to rethink their behavior and draw conclusions."

“Another thing is how everything will look through the prism of a legal letter. Smart people say: if you don’t know how to be, act according to the law. Hopefully, with those who are at fault it will be like that. In the end, everyone is alive and well, it seems there is nothing to execute. Return to football? They need to first deal with the legal field, and then think about the football field, ”the expert concluded.

The opposite opinion is shared by the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov. He believes that Kokorin and Mamaev should be punished.

“Do you think it's better to return to play football? I also think so (answered Peskov to the words of one of the journalists that athletes should be punished to the fullest extent. - RT ). And more likely those people whom they beat think so, ”said the spokesman for the country's president.

According to Peskov, the status of Kokorin and Mamayev should not have any influence on the assessment of their behavior.

“It does not matter at all whether they are talented or untalented footballers. Whether this was a crime or not, what kind of punishment should follow, only the court can decide, ”concluded Peskov.

At the same time, Mamaev’s spouse Alana supported the defendants. In recent days, the footballer’s wife made several loud statements at once, in one of which she accused her husband of treason. She said Paul was not worthy to see his children. But at the same time, she also believes that football players should not be behind bars.

“I don’t mind punishing them for what they did.” This, of course, is wrong. Naturally, I am against such behavior. But what is happening now is a bust. Such people should not be in prison; there is a place for real criminals. Everyone must be equal before the law, as they are. Every day there are fights, exactly the same and worse, and no one is closed. Moreover, they do not start any cases, ”said Mamaeva on the NTV television channel.

She also said that in the investigation of the case there are a number of questions that need to be answered.

“The media one-sidedly shows information about the fight. I want to ask why people do not ask themselves the question, where are the witnesses? In the video, everyone saw not two people, but a whole company. There are no eyewitnesses. Why don't they testify? Why was the process closed? Why show only a piece of record? Why is the video from the driver’s registrar not shown, where you can see and hear that he is insulting the guys and strikes first? ”Added Mamaeva.

About the appearance of new information on the case previously announced and lawyer Kokorina Tatyana Stukalova.

“The results of recent investigative actions indicate that the guys should be released from custody. The circumstances of the case have changed in their favor compared to the beginning of the investigation, ”Stukalova wrote on her Instagram page.

The lawyer refused to tell the details, citing a non-disclosure subscription.

“You have to take my word for it. I hope that the court will take into account the changes in these circumstances and the consequences of the violation of the rights to defense and the obvious injustice in qualifying what was done by all parties to the conflict, ”Stukalova concluded.

Representatives of Mamaev are also hoping for a positive decision. So, his lawyer, Igor Bushmanov, expressed the opinion that his client has every reason to leave the detention center.

“We expect that a fair, compromise decision will be taken, which will not require further appeals. And, most importantly, will allow Mamaev to be outside the detention facility. There are all grounds for this court decision, ”Bushmanov concluded.