"At the end of the match began to act adventurously"

CSKA Moscow, losing on the road "Krasnodar", officially ended the fight for the championship. According to the head coach of the red-blue Viktor Goncharenko, the final result of the match was influenced by a quick goal by the home team. However, in general, he was pleased with the game of his players.

“A quick missed goal always confuses cards. This is the main thing that affected the result today. Unfortunately, we could not strengthen the game with replacements. But apart from the account, we are pleased with what happened on the field. CSKA controlled the meeting, ”said the specialist after the match.

Moreover, Goncharenko expressed confidence that the mistakes made could positively affect his young team in the future.

“At the end of the match, they began to act adventurously, the defensive midfielders made many wrong decisions. Today there is no result, but our game on the field is exactly what the young team needs in order to add to the skill, ”said the army mentor.

In addition, the Belarusian specialist said that the owners acted in an unusual style for themselves, which was a result of the confident actions of his wards.

“Krasnodar” played in an unusual manner? I am more than sure that they did not want to. We made them play this way, ”Goncharenko said on the TV channel“ Match Premier ”.

He acknowledged the wrong castling in the composition, which did not allow his team to fight for victory in the meeting.

“Substitutions have not played properly, perhaps with the exception of Abel Hernandez's release. Diveev was forced to leave the field, as well as, to some extent, Shchennikov. But in general, this decision was connected with the desire to strengthen the game both in attack and in defense, ”Goncharenko quotes the Championship.

Analyzing the game of the opponent, he focused on the goalkeeper of Krasnodar Matvey Safonov and urged journalists not to rush to compare the 20-year-old goalkeeper with Igor Akinfeev.

“Let's wait for the young goalkeeper to get stronger before singing his praises. He needs to spend a lot of matches, ”Goncharenko quotes the official website of the army team.

Continuing the thought of his coach, CSKA defender Hördur Magnusson noted that the quick goal was mainly influenced by the quick goal of the home team.

“The reason for today's defeat is that Krasnodar has a good team, and we gave them the first goal. Today, we were just unlucky, despite the fact that there were many opportunities to score, but the opponent was successful in defending and knocking the ball off the line. In fact, they had the same chances as we did, but they were more fortunate, ”the Championship quotes the Icelandic legionary.

Magnusson also commented on the episode when his compatriot Jon Goodni Fioluson injured Mario Fernandez. However, the chief referee of the meeting, Sergey Ivanov, did not appoint an 11-meter strike in favor of the red-blue.

“Was there a penalty on Mario Fernandez? I watched this episode and saw that a defender’s hand hit his head, but I can’t tell if this was a violation. Perhaps we should have applied VAR, ”suggested the soldier.

CSKA midfielder Yaka Biyol talked about a controversial penalty kick in the “Krasnodar” gates. He stressed that in this matter fully trusts the affected Fernandez.

“As for the penalty, I didn’t see the moment, but if Mario says that the 11-meter was, it is, because Fernandez is honest. I believe him. But honestly, I do not think that this somehow influenced the outcome of the meeting, ”said the midfielder.

Bijol also said that the team needs as soon as possible to forget about the failure and achieve maximum results in the remaining matches of the championship.

“What is the reason for this result? Reasons not. We had chances, they had the same chances, but we could not score. The result is as follows, but we need to pay attention to the following games and try to overcome the difficulties in them, ”concluded Bijol.

“We have to start every game this way.”

In turn, the head coach of Krasnodar, Murad Musayev, was completely satisfied with the result of the meeting, which brought his team to the third place of the RPL. He stressed that despite the difficulties with the composition that have arisen recently, his players looked decent on all lines of the field.

“We ourselves are experiencing, working and not looking for excuses. We give all the strength in training and in games. It was an important match with a strong contender. Immediately realized a goal, then more time was spent on fast attacks. They defended well, closed the zones from where CSKA attacked us most dangerously. With every minute, there was more open space, and we could have scored the third goal, ”Musayev told at the post-match press conference.

According to him, a good start gave his wards confidence. Despite the fact that after a goal into his own net, the red and blue threw all their forces into the attack, Krasnodar managed to take control of the ball.

“We started well, we need to start every game this way. Otherwise, psychology works more than an unsuccessful warm-up or some other factors, ”explained Musayev.

At the same time, Musaev said that he perceives all criticism of his team calmly and considers it reasonable.

“Yes, we had a difficult period, it is connected with the composition, and with a number of other points that I would like to leave within the team. As a result, they began to play worse than at the end of the past and the beginning of this year. And the criticism that was, of course, was deserved. We ourselves are worried about this. We work and do not look for any excuses for ourselves, ”the bull mentor admitted.

Responding to questions about the game of the forward of his team, Ivan Ignatiev, who was temporarily suspended from playing for the first team, Musaev noted that the player has every chance to grow into a big professional.

“Ivan can grow into a very big forward, but for this he still needs to work a lot. Today he tried, forced the fight. But we will see his best qualities a bit later, ”the trainer concluded.

After the coach, the players of Krasnodar shared their emotions from the victory over CSKA. Midfielder “bulls” Daniil Utkin, who scored a red-blue goal into his own goal in the RPL, admitted that it was not easy for him to keep up the pace of the game.

“Of course, emotions overwhelmed me. I scored, everything worked out for me! How did you score? He ran to the ball, followed by a series of bounces, after which he was at my feet. And that's all. But honestly, physically it’s very hard for me. Not used to the pace that the Premier League offers. Here you need to run fast and think lightning-fast, ”said a 20-year-old football player.

Victory over CSKA and commented goalkeeper "Krasnodar" Matvey Safonov. The goalkeeper remained unanimous with Goncharenko’s opinion and asked not to compare him with an experienced counterpart from CSKA.

“It's hard to call confrontation. Yes, and we should not compare, should pass the time. When the experience I pick up, then you can already say something. Was there any excitement about playing against Igor? It was a regular match. Why worry? Akinfeev or Lunev worth - what's the difference? I didn’t even contact him in the game. What does it have to do with it? Just doing my job, ”admitted the young goalkeeper.