Jung Woo-young (19), who made his "dream stage" debut at the Dawn Bayern Munich juniors last Wednesday, went down to the 2nd group stage again on the weekend, Jung Woo-young, who met in Munich, said, "We have to adapt to the fast tempo of the first team, and if we return to the second group, we have to get into the team atmosphere here, both physically and mentally."

In Group 1 and Group 2, not only are the players composed, but also coaching staff, training programs, and schedule. Even the number. Jung Woo-young is 7 times like Ribery in Group 2, but wears uniform 20 in Group 1. You're playing two completely different teams every three to four days. It is obviously hard for a 19-year-old Korean player who has been in the club for less than a year.

Nevertheless, Jung Woo-young was regarded as a "tomorrow's star" by local media, and information and communication technology contributed to his quick adaptation.
● "Smart communication" that connects the first and second groups and the whole team

Jung Woo-young is trained in Group 2, but should join immediately if he calls in Group 1 immediately. If you want to quickly get into Group 1, you have to go through the flow. You need to be able to quickly understand what is happening in recent games, training, moods, and what other teams are coming up.

You need to know exactly what your opponents are expecting, how to score, and so on. Bayern Munich, a partner of SAP, developed a program called 'Sports One', which provides information on 7,500 matches and 10,000 scoring scenes around the world using AI technology. Players can view their favorite scenes and information anytime, anywhere with their smartphone.

"This program allows the whole team to share an idea," says Sans Schwerin Vannel, senior manager at SAP. Anyone can easily edit a particular scene and share it, or open a group or individual chat room for discussion.

For example, Joshua Kimihi, who is helping Jung Woo Young's adaptation to the local scene, will give a message to Jung Woo-young, "I will help you defend the attacking scene of player A carefully." I can send and continue the conversation.
Nikko Kovac will also be able to easily see the information about Chung Woo-young in the second division. Even if you do not go to the 2nd stadium, you will find Jung Woo-young's one-to-one dribble scene, scoring and shooting scenes, and defensive scenes. Based on this, I can share my opinion with the 2nd-team coaching staff.

SAP understands that 53 football teams around the world use the program to send and receive more than 50,000 messages each week. "All of these technologies are aimed at helping to better communicate within the team," said Christophe Jungkind, SAP project manager. Jung Woo-young also said, "I can easily see my figure analyzed on the cell phone within one hour after I have played the game." It is also a great help to adapt to the second group because they share the same philosophy as the first group. "

● Smart management ... "Set your heart rate!"

The most important thing is to stay in the best condition while breathing the first and second groups. Here, too, Munich utilizes advanced information and communication technologies. Like Sohn Heung-min's Tottenham, we collect various data through wearable devices and reflect them in training programs.

▶ [Video Mug] Tottenham's Son Heung Min Charging Project ... "Handsome, hot again!"

On the day the reporter went to cover Jeong Woo-young's recovery training, the 2nd-team coaching staff gave very detailed instructions to Chung Woo-young. "From now on I start running at 5km, so I have to keep my heart rate at 150bpm throughout the run." The coaching staff made a different order for all players according to the distance, time,

The athletes finished their training by confirming the real-time information that the wearable device on their chest was using Smart Watch. "There are various training methods that I have not experienced in Korea at all," said Jung Woo-young. "I am now training for weight training and speeding up the reaction." ● AI and Machine Running ... Possibilities and Limitations

SAP experts also applied the artificial intelligence and machine-learning techniques they used in their office software to the sports community. "In the past, we had to send a scout to Korea to recruit a Korean player, and we decided to hold a meeting based on the data he collected," said Jukkind. "Now AI is analyzing players from all over the world, "We can track potential candidates close to real-time." As more data accumulates, AI learns to provide more accurate information to the team. With far less effort, you can get even more information. Power analysis, management of the athletes, and the annual salary are also expanding.

However, artificial intelligence can not replace coaching staff. "We provide the sports team with an 'analytical tool,'" Schubnervannel said. "Even if we provide the same program, the usage of it depends on the team's philosophy." Because of the philosophy of the team, 'algorithms' are applied differently, and therefore the objects and methods that artificial intelligence analyzes change. "Both Bayern Munich and Manchester City use sports balls, but they apply a completely different algorithm," he said.

Munich is now looking for a fast, good-looking side striker. Robin and Ribery do not have the same skills. The expectation for Jung Woo-young is also bigger. Kovac will have to analyze the pros and cons of Jung Woo-young and develop algorithms to grow him into a second rover, Ribery. You might also find a new player in the winter transfer market. Obviously, the artificial intelligence will be tracking and analyzing Son Heung Min.

(This coverage was sponsored by the Korean Press Foundation).