With more than 1.1 million fans and 33,000 comments in two hours, Egyptian striker Mohamed Salah scored the scorer in Stuttgart and all the platforms of his personal contacts appeared without his beard, which he has known since his career in Europe.

The image was welcomed, angry and even ridiculed by his followers at his expense in "Instagram" of more than 23 million.

The most controversial comments were the "irony" of his colleague at Lever and his close Croatian friend Dejan Lovrin, who replied to their colleague Alberto Moreno: "Are you Mo Salah?" Lofren replied: "No, my dear, this is his brother." I believe you are 26 years old. "

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A post shared by Mohamed Salah (@mosalah) on Feb 10, 2019 at 2:02 am PST

The comments in Arabic focused on the expression "God is upon you, O pride of the Arabs", which was "Trand" for a long time in the past.

- "You donated your beard to the poor .. God is on you, the pride of the Arabs."

- "New shaving cream announcement".

- "Donate the hair of his beard to the face of God .. God be upon you, the pride of the Arabs"

- "Shaving his beard because people follow what is not a beard .. God you O Arab pride"

- "Ahna Ayazin Salah Mesh nephew".

- "Do not go back to Egypt so they do not call you for forced conscription."

- "No Arab pride .. Sweet Beard You Style".

Salah scored the third goal of his team against Bournemouth, which ended with a clean three-goal victory, and this goal raised the score to 17 goals in the top scorers list this season.

With this goal Salah became the first player in the Raides - from Uruguayan Luis Suarez - to reach 20 goals in all competitions, in two consecutive seasons.

Salah scored 64 goals in 86 appearances for Liverpool in all competitions. He has one goal left for him to reach 50 goals in his career in the Premiership.