French DJ and producer Martin Pikande, acting under the pseudonym Martin Solveig, was strongly criticized after the scandal that occurred at the Golden Ball football award ceremony. Simple fans and famous athletes accused him of harassment and sexism.

For the first time, women received the prestigious award along with men. Her winner was the Lyon forward Ada Hegerberg. However, the historical moment was marred by the careless joke of Solveig, who was responsible for the musical component of the event.

Norwegian thanked all the participants for the honor shown to her and noted how important this event is for women's football in general. In addition, she called on young athletes to believe in themselves and never stop there. Then she went to the DJ, who said he had a surprise for the athlete. He also asked if she could dance in the popular twerk style.

Martin Solveig really asked Ada Hegerberg, the first ever Ballon D'Or winner, to twerk. The absolute disrespect bruh.

- A West (@ayyy_west) December 3, 2018

The girl immediately refused, some of the public laughed, and the situation could go unnoticed if the audience of the ceremony, who immediately accused Solveig of sexism, would not have been noticed. Their opinion was not affected even by the fact that the “surprise” was actually a slow dance to the composition of Frank Sinatra.

“It's funny why such stupid questions were never asked by Lionel Messi and Cristin Ronaldo during the presentation of the Golden Ball. Women are more than objects of sexual harassment. Stop belittling our achievements, ”one of the outraged users of social networks wrote.

Men expressed a similar opinion. Many of them said that the musician ruined Hegerberg the best moments in her life.

“You are not worthy to be called a man. She is the first woman in history to receive the Golden Ball! You ruined this moment not only for her, but for all football fans. Do you think you can apologize and forgive you all? Not! Go and dance the twerking in front of her until she lets you stop, ”the young man suggested.

Solveig himself immediately tried to answer the accusations. He admitted that he was extremely surprised by the reaction his joke had caused.

“I offer my deepest apologies to all whom I could insult. The fact is that I invite the girls to dance to the songs of Frank Sinatra, and not to perform twerking. See how it was. Those who have known me for 20 years know how respectful I am for absolutely everyone and especially for women, ”the DJ wrote on his Twitter page.

In addition, he added that he personally spoke with Hegerberg, who understood the joke and did not hold offense to him. Subsequently, these words were confirmed by the player herself.

I understood it was a joke. Nevertheless my apologies to anyone who may have been offended. Most importantly congratulations to Ada

- Martin Solveig (@martinsolveig) December 3, 2018

“After the ceremony, he approached me and said that he was really upset about what had happened. Honestly, then I did not even think that it could be perceived as harassment or insult of a sexual nature. “I was just happy to get the Golden Ball,” Skysports athlete quotes.

Nevertheless, the accusations against Solveig did not stop, and more and more famous people gradually joined the simple fans. So, British tennis player Andy Murray complained that sexism in sports has not yet been eradicated.

“Why do women still have to face this? What questions were asked to Kilian Mbappa and Luka Modric (for the awards winners of the best young player and football player of 2018. - RT ). Anyone who believes that such a reaction is too emotional and just a joke is wrong. I’m in a lifelong sport, and sexism is too high here, ”Murray wrote.

To defend Hegerberg, the US national team player Francis Silva also got up. She sharply criticized the request of the musician.

“Imagine that you are winning the first ever Golden Ball. Make an incredible speech about how important this is for women's football. Encourage girls around the world to believe in themselves. And then they ask you to dance twerk, ”Silva wrote on her page on social networks.

With a colleague agreed and striker Juventus and England England Eniola Aluko. She expressed doubts about the sincerity of Solveig’s apology and added that his words insult all sensible people.

The triple bronze medalist of the Olympic Games athlete Kelly Sutherton also joined the charges. She sharply turned to the DJ, asking him how such an attitude towards women can be possible in the modern world.