"Medvedeva needs to gain competitive experience"

- Elizaveta Tuktamysheva took the first place at the Grand Prix stage in Canada. How amazing is that?

- It is worth remembering that after an arbitrary program, she took the third position, and only in terms of the total points did she become the first. Of course, I am pleased with her victory, which in part was made possible by the less expressive performance of her rivals. Let's hope that Elizabeth will make it to the Grand Prix finals, although she did not look so confident in Canada. From Elizabeth one should have expected more. However, it can be commended for courage, since she was not afraid to include a triple Axel in her program. On the other hand, Tuktamysheva is in a rigid framework that makes her take risks. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for her to remain competitive.

- Is it possible to say that it is Tuktamishyvah that is the second number of the Russian national team after Alina Zagitova?

- At the moment it is not so obvious, as well as the fact that Zagitova is the unconditional leader of our national team in women's single skating, because at the last world championship she did not look so confident. However, the December championship of Russia will put everything in its place. Then it becomes clear who is worthy of what place in the national team.

- Evgenia Medvedeva ranked third in terms of points in short and arbitrary programs. Is it so fatal, as it may seem at first glance?

- Her position says only that she can compete on equal terms with the strongest figure skaters of the world.

- Will it remain in the top three after the championship of Russia?

- As in the case of Tuktamysheva, it’s too early to talk about this before the start of the domestic championship. Everything else is just an assumption.

- After the short program, some experts noted that Medvedeva should not have gone on the ice in official starts before the Russian championship. Do you agree with this position?

- Not. If Zhenya will not play now, she will not be able to show herself at the December tournament. She missed half a year, recovering from the hardest injuries. She needs to gain competitive experience, which has been lost during this time.

“Tarasova and Morozov do not force training”

- Alexander Samarin took the fourth place after two programs for men, not fulfilling the quadruple Lutz. Was this risk justified?

- If he had not even tried to do this, he would have been even lower, which can be understood by the judges. Every athlete needs to work out the elements in official competitions, and not just in training. Otherwise, they cannot be considered competitive.

- Samarin lost six points to a younger opponent, Korean Cha Jun Hwan. What are the prospects for the Russians in the future?

- Alexander is a member of the national team, which cannot be entered without showing a certain level. Therefore, at this stage it is difficult to blame someone for something, everyone has prospects.

- In sports dance in Canada, a confident victory was won by a pair of Vanessa James - Morgan Sipre. Evgenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov won in the same discipline in the United States. Will the Russians be able to compete with the representatives of France?

“I’m completely sure of that.” Tarasova and Morozov always won the French. Hopefully, they will be able to reach the peak of the form by the time their in-person meeting takes place. Most likely, this will happen in the final of the Grand Prix in Vancouver.

- Is it indicative that the Russian duet did not look so confident?

- Being experienced athletes, Evgenia and Vladimir understand that they need to get in shape gradually, and not to force training. In this regard, we should not expect high results from them at the start of the season.

- A young couple of Alexander Boykov - Dmitry Kozlovsky took fourth place on the stage in Canada. In addition to Tarasova and Morozov, who among the Russians will be in prominent roles in the future?

- I think we can still talk about the duet Natalia Zabiyako - Alexander Enbert. Without a doubt, they will qualify for a place in the team. Of course, Alexandra and Dmitri are also a strong, progressive pair.

- Victoria Sinitsyna and Nikita Katsalapov were second in ice dancing, ahead of Canadians Piper Gills and Paul Poirier. Did this come as a surprise to you, given the fact that North Americans were at home?

- They made a gross error in rhythmic dance. Jills almost fell and eventually failed to perform a number of steps. This led to the fact that after the short program, they dropped immediately to several positions. Therefore, even the third place they can write to their assets. And the domestic duet from the very beginning performed successfully, showed good skating.

- Will Nikitin and Katsalapov be able to show stable results throughout the season?

- This is very difficult to talk about. We remember that the beginning of last season they turned out uneven, but they came to the championship of Russia in great shape. But then there was a breakdown, Katsalapov was injured. Therefore I will not begin to guess how they will manifest themselves in the future. I would say that they are a very beautiful, but uneven couple.