- In the previous match, the Russian national team lost to a big German team. What conclusions can be drawn from this meeting?

- It is necessary to reflect on the game in defense. First of all, in the center line. To fight with the Scandinavians with this problem, you need to understand. Also not the best meeting held midfielders, but this is a good reason. The composition was not optimal, many players were forced to act not in their positions. These questions are particularly acute, because in a match with Sweden you only need to play to win.

“There will be a draw to go to Division A.”

- When you tune in to a similar result, it often results in defeat. Especially considering the fact that at the moment the game in defense is not our best quality.

- Will the defeat of the German national team have a positive impact on the team, or vice versa, can deprive it of confidence?

- Rather, it is information for consideration. There can be no decadent mood. Both the coaching staff and the players were well aware that in such a composition it would be very difficult to achieve a positive result. Yes, there was a glimpse in the second half, but there the Germans already slowed down. Sprinkle with ash is not worth it.

- Germany left Division A of the League of Nations, and the Russian national team, if successful in the match with Sweden, can be selected there. What are the chances in fights with the best teams have wards Stanislav Cherchesova?

“It’s premature to talk about it today, but such fights have never done any harm.” Suffice it to recall how control games before the World Cup affected the national team. In any case, the meetings will be held at the highest level, both in terms of intensity and in terms of motivation. I think the Russian team is very useful to get into the top division.

- On the eve of matches with Germany, the Russian team lost a number of leaders - Artem Dziuba, Alexander Golovin, Dmitry Cheryshev and Mario Fernandez. In their absence, the team had no chance of success in the game with the Germans?

- Unlike the national team of Germany, which can achieve success and the second composition, the Russian team does not possess such resources. We must accept this as a fact and move on. So far we have no high-quality performers for two full-fledged members.

- You were surprised by the decision of Stanislav Cherchesov to release Ari in the starting lineup for the match with Germany?

- Frankly, it was a surprise. But it is necessary to understand that in the presence of Dziuba the Russian national team acts on one model of the game. Without him, she has to rebuild and play more low. This is precisely what we lacked. There was neither Golovin, nor Dzagoev - creative, creative players. Plus, Akhmetov was injured.

- The meeting with Germany Fedor Chalov held on the bench. Is Cherchesov so not counting on the best scorer of the RPL?

- Recently Fedor has added great, but, in my opinion, progress is applicable specifically to the game for CSKA. It works great in the presence of free space. With a German defender hanging on his shoulders, he would not be so easy.

- At the same time, the head coach continues to trust Anton Zabolotny, who marked only two goals this season.

- Apparently, Cherchesov simply has no alternative. He proceeded from what was in his arsenal.

- As for the middle line, should we expect personnel changes there, given that the Swedes have such high-class players like Emil Forsberg and Victor Klasson?

- Despite the lack of a winning result, in the previous match with Sweden, the Russian team acted with a certain margin. She did not create a large number of scoring chances, but did not yield to her opponent.

I think in the upcoming meeting Chercesova wards will be a little easier. Swedes will have to act the first number, so that there will be a lot of free zones. I think the game will be double-edged, in which our players are not weaker than their opponents.

- Even considering the serious losses in the middle line?

- Of course, it is impossible to deny their presence. But I think there can be something to rebuild. Alexander Erokhin clearly should not go on the site of the flank midfielder.

- In your opinion, this is not his place?

- I do not want to belittle Alexander. He knows how to play in the selection, performs a large amount of work and is cool to open when attacking. Cherchesov thought that he could show himself on the flank, but still he didn’t have enough speed for that. Plus, sometimes he enters the selection too recklessly, which leads to severe violations.

- Besides the presence of Forsberg and Klasson, what are the strengths of the Swedes?

- Scandinavians have a strong team spirit. Sweden - an organized team, without weak points, but obviously not one level with Germany. Trust Cherchesova she in the teeth. Testing before the “Tre Kron” is not worth it.

- Due to what the Russian team can beat the Scandinavians?

- They are not very cohesively playing defense. It is quite possible to push. In the attack, they play much more successful.

- In the game with Germany, one of the most notable players in the team was Alexei Ionov. Now it can be called one of the main contenders for a place in the starting lineup?

- He shows himself well when he has room. Ahead we need a player of this type - high-speed, with dribbling. Ionov fully justifies the expectations, it remains only to score the ball. But he is quite useful for the team.

- Unlike the Rostov player, Daler Kuzyaev has been experiencing some kind of recession lately. What is the reason?

- Also, like many Zenith players, he has recently been a little short of his level. Sergei Semak himself admits this, but it is not possible to give an exact reason for this. At the same time, Daler’s class is unquestionable - this is a star player. One of the key players of the national team.

- Given the imperfect condition, is it reasonable to release it in the first team in a game with Sweden?

- Recession can take place in a very short time. In this regard, they are very similar with Roman Zobnin. Lack literally weeks break, so that they again regained form. But we must not forget also about the emotional state of the athlete. In my opinion, Kuzyaev is a very disciplined person, but sometimes he rushes too much into himself.

- In the absence of the current captain of the Russian national team in the face of Dziuba, the bandage was adopted by Yury Gazinsky. How expected was this coach decision?

- As a person, he evokes sympathy. Recently, he has very much added. Apparently, Stanislav Salamovich sees in him the necessary qualities - the ability to keep himself in good shape, not to fall below a certain level. Not to say that the last meeting turned out to be successful for him, but for “Krasnodar” he speaks very well. It is difficult to say exactly what Cherchesov was guided by. Perhaps he is one of those for whom standing up for his homeland is sacred.

- Probably, in the absence of Fernandez on the right flank of the defense will play Cyril Nababkin. Is this decision justified, since Vladislav Ignatiev is listed as a part.

- Nababkin’s return to the national team is a kind of fantasy. Previously, he did not even go to the main team of CSKA, but due to injuries a number of performers became the iron player of the base. Naturally, Cherchesov is counting on his experience, knowing that Kirill will be able to look good in several positions at once. Now the situation that has developed in 2017, when the national team could not and two games in a row to hold the same composition, is repeated. Mentor has to plug holes.

- Do you think that in other conditions Cherchesov would hardly have invited Nababkin to the national team?

- I doubt that he would get a call. But now there is nothing to do. As in the case of Ari, we have to use those players that are available.

- How do you feel about the invitation of Ari to the national team?

- It is necessary to give a clear assessment of how useful this player is to Russia. Yes, he has a passport, but there are serious differences between the call of the Krasnodar striker and Fernandez himself. Mario is definitely the best in his position. I think that he benefits both the national team and the entire football of the country.

- What about their personal qualities?

- Both in everyday life and in life, these two players are very different. In the case of Ari, it suffices to recall his behavior during a fight in a match with the “Ural”. However, I do not condemn the decision Cherchesova. Forward can benefit, despite the fact that he is not so few years. If now he is one of the best attacking football players with Russian citizenship, then he should be used.

- As for the center of defense, there is likely to be Georg Neustedter, who has already managed to gain a foothold as the main pair. Are they now the best defenders of Russia?

- With regards to Jikia, there are no questions. In my opinion, he almost unmistakably played with Germany. But Neustedter had some serious missteps. He does not have enough speed, nothing can be done about it.

- Perhaps the team would not have prevented Ilya Kutepov, who, together with Sergei Ignashevich, was a bunch of central defenders at the World Championships?

- If Ignashevich continued to speak, then he and Jikia would make a couple of main defenders. At the World Cup, he showed how a footballer can use his vast experience. It cannot be said that he surpasses Neustedter in speed and wrestling on the second floor, but he thinks well on the field. That is why Kutepov was much easier to play with him - Sergei will tell and correct. I do not think that the same George now has enough authority to manage the actions of the same Roman.

- That is, Kutepov loses so much in price in the absence of an experienced partner in the person of Ignashevich?

- The main reason is that recently he has not looked very impressive in the games for Spartak. He only recently returned to the field after an injury, but in addition to physical recovery, it is necessary to recover in terms of psychology. The problems of the defenders of the red-and-whites often had their roots in the head. They may not cope with the pressure.

- Andrei Lunev is now under tremendous pressure in connection with the departure from the team of Igor Akinfeev. Three missed ball in the game with Germany will not break it?

- Appearing in Zenit, Lunev surprised with his psychological stability. It can not break anything. Cherchesov himself was the goalkeeper, it is obvious that he understands Andrei better than us. In addition, none of the goals conceded was the result of his mistake.