Men's singles' Kenzo Momoda (23) = NTT East Japan = in the badminton world championship held in Nanjing, China, reached the world's top position for the first time in history. It's been a year since I came back from suspension due to illegal gambling issues. Materials that were said to "change the history of the badminton world" faced their mistakes and accomplished a great achievement.

"I was able to play with gratitude to the people who supported me."

Momota repeated at a press conference after the victory. I was cheering for the pleasure of being able to play badminton.

Last July. Momota was at the alumni's Fukushima · Futuba Mirai High School gymnasium. I participated in juniors practicing refraining from the whole high school whole body for about a week. After graduating from high school, it was unusual for Momota, who had many abroad expeditions, to come.

People who finished practicing and returned to Tokyo ...