"Rather satisfied with my performance than dissatisfied"

The men's individual race in Canmore, in contrast to the women's race, which Russian women are unlikely to take as an asset, turned out to be very successful for Russian biathletes. First, the long-awaited medal managed to win Alexander Loginov, who did not rise to the podium from Oberhof. Many felt that the athlete began to decline, but Alexander proved that it is too early to discount him.

Alexander started the race not very successfully - made a slip on the first two lines, but then got ready and as a result showed the third time. Due to this success, Loginov regained second place overall, since Martin Fourcade, who was ahead of him, did not come to North America.

“There was a decent break, so the first race was unpredictable on the results. You had to feel your form. Probably more satisfied with his own performance than displeased. Moreover, he won a medal in such a frost, when the body is hard at speeding, ”Loginov said on the TV channel“ Match TV ”.

Of course, one of the main topics was the severe weather conditions in Canmore. Severe frost turned the race into a real torture for biathletes. In addition, Loginov admitted that he did not have enough time to get used to the gun, because Canadian frontier guards did not want to miss Russian weapons for a long time.

“Slow shooting while lying down is related to the weather, plus an altitude of 1,500 meters is also affected. It was necessary to get used to the shooting range. Today, the shooting was only the 14th frontier, rifles arrived only the day before yesterday evening. Therefore, of course, it was necessary to adapt a little, ”Loginov added.

"I thought to run a race as a workout"

And with the winner everything became clear almost from the first kilometers of the race. The overall leader Johannes Bo worked confidently both on the track and on the frontiers. As a result, the Norwegian did not allow any slip and more than two minutes ahead of Vetle-Shost Kristiansen. And after the finish Johannes admitted that he did not set a goal to win in such weather conditions.

“It was an insanely good race. I thought to run it as a workout, I was not going to win. Today I tried to do everything simply and calmly. Only two laps I ran ahead myself, and on three - held on to the backs of rivals. Probably, I started too fast, and then I had to slow down the pace on the second lap and farther along the course. But 20 accurate shots on such a cold - this is super ”, - quotes Be NRK.

In general, for the Norwegians, the first competitive day at Canmore was excellent. In women, the victory also won a representative of this country - Tiril Eckhoff. And in men, immediately after Be Jr., Christiansen finished.

“Today I was good compared to all other competitors, but Johannes beat me more than two minutes. Today he spent a crazy race and in addition he closed all twenty targets. I was lucky to run a few laps with him before he broke away from me. Very pleased with my speed on the track. I do not often lag behind Johannes, ”the Norwegian said.

“They put another one under the thermal underwear”

Russian fans were happy not only for Loginov, but also for other domestic athletes, for example, for Alexander Povarnitsyn, who, like Beu, closed all 20 targets and finished in the high 18th place. It is noteworthy that he made his debut in the World Cup a native of Izhevsk also in North America - in Presque Isle three years ago. Then Povarnitsyn also showed good results (28th place in the sprint, tenth in the pursuit and fourth in the relay).

“I think this is the result of the work that I did during the preparation. I can not accurately describe my state of health, because here there are very difficult weather conditions - the skis ride like in the sand, and you cannot orient yourself. Rapid acidification, but it feels good. I am pleased with the shooting, but not with my own way, ”noted Povarnitsyn.

And for the 29-year-old Sergei Korastylyov, the race became his debut in his career at the World Cup. The athlete, as well as Povarnitsyn, started it very well and with two he passed the first two firing lines. Unfortunately, in the third he made two misses and eventually finished out of the points zone - in the 41st position.

“I am very glad that the debut was made. As they say, the first pancake is lumpy. A little bit did not work - I do not know what it is connected with. Eyes a little "puffed up" because of the cold wind. I tried to blink, but still there was a veil in front of my eyes on the second bed. I do not know how I shot. It will be necessary with the coaches to analyze this point.

Muscles feel light - everything is fine, but breathing is hard. The air is cold. Especially the height, so it was very hard to breathe. Basically, I'm happy with the race. If it were not for two misses on the bench, would be in seventh heaven with happiness. And so a bit upset. But anyway, the debut was made, so I am very happy, ”admitted the biathlete.

Korastylyov also told how he escaped from the bitter cold in Canmore.

“Under the thermal underwear, we put on another one. It probably created discomfort. My hands are very cold, my fingers are cold, it is not convenient to carry out manipulations with the rifle, ”added Korastylyev.