Rasmus Paludan's Koran burning outside the Turkish embassy at the beginning of the year was the starting point for a wave of Koran burnings. The actions have aroused anger in large parts of the Muslim world and given rise to world political aftershocks that have worsened Sweden's security situation.

"I was the one who decided I wanted to do it. But the idea that you could do it came from a Swedish journalist, says Rasmus Paludan in Uppdrag granskning "Koran burners".

Planned protest Turkey's involvement

The person he is referring to is Christian Peterson, an activist from the nationalist right who was previously a parliamentary candidate for the party Alternative for Sweden. He is currently non-party and works for the media channel insikt24, which is owned by Eric Almqvist, former member of parliament for the Sweden Democrats.

Peterson confirms that he was the one who contacted Rasmus Paludan. He called on behalf of several people, among them there were plans to protest against President Erdogan's role in Sweden's NATO application.

It has previously emerged that Chang Frick, founder of the right-wing populist news site Nyheter idag, paid for Paludan's application to burn the Koran.

Frosty relationship with alternative media

After the Koran burning at the Turkish embassy, the threat against Paludan increased, who announced that he was taking a break from burning Korans in Sweden. But the Koran burnings continued. During the summer, Salwan Momika and Salwan Najem carried out several actions – in them Christian Peterson at Insikt24 has no involvement, he says. On the contrary, he describes the relationship between them as frosty.

"I know that Salwan has blocked a lot of people from alternative media on Facebook and he doesn't respond to them at all, and he doesn't share the material either," Peterson said.

Salwan Momika himself says that he does not act on anyone's behalf.

"I don't have a party behind me. I defend Sweden of my own accord. There are neither people nor groups.

See the full review "Koranbrännarna" on SVT Play.