Prosecutor Hediye Kurt said that the brothers carried out the act jointly, but the Gothenburg District Court disagrees.

Everything indicates that the older brother decided at the moment, according to the court, and the 17-year-old little brother was not aware of what was going to happen.

"It is undisputed that the car was driving at high speed, that it accelerated towards the two, did not brake, and that it hit the two at a high speed," said the presiding judge, Judge Göran Lundahl.

"This suggests that the intention was to kill both of them.

No honour killing

Prosecutor Hediye Kurt believes that a motive of honour lies behind the car attack.

The deceased woman had started a relationship with a new man, while still being married in Roma fashion to the brothers' father.

Although the district court notes that there are patterns and values in the Roma culture at issue in the case that also occur in so-called honour cultures, it does not consider this to be an aggravating circumstance with regard to the murder.

"There is no evidence to suggest that honour, in this cultural circle, is restored by committing murder," says lawyer Göran Lundahl.

Leaning towards appeal

Prosecutor Hediye Kurt told SVT that she thinks the court's reasoning regarding the honor motive is "surprising" and that she has a completely different view.

"As I see it now, it leans towards an appeal when it comes to the 17-year-old," says Hediye Kurt.

In the clip below, you hear the brothers' lawyers about the verdict:

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Hear Maria Sanner, defence lawyer for the older brother, and Sina Safashad, defence lawyer for the younger brother, after the district court's verdict. Photo: SVT