Since the municipality took over the permanent pavilion in 1989, it has stood empty and fallen into disrepair. Per-Olov Grundström, property manager at Säter municipality, believes that it is necessary, mainly for safety reasons, that they now demolish it. But the feelings are divided even for him.

"I have many memories from when I worked here as a service technician here," says Per-Olov Grundström.

Before the demolition work began, they cleaned the building of asbestos and the contractor owns the demolition rubble.

– The final inspection of the demolition work will take place in mid-May.

Many curious on site

Marianne Romlin, who trained as a nurse at the permanent pavilion, was one of many visitors to the site to witness the demolition work.

"I think it's pretty sad. When I attended the nursing programme, I was a student in here," says Marianne Romlin, who later became head of the unit when the operations were moved to new premises.