According to Russian authorities, the woman arrested on suspicion of involvement in the attack has been involved in anti-Russian actions, writes Sky News.

Russia investigators have said they believe the bomb was hidden in a statue delivered to Maxim Fomin before it exploded.

– There is speculation that she did not know about it, says SVT's foreign reporter Bert Sundström.

Sources: Be a trap

Unconfirmed sources to Russian independent media say it was a trap, Reuters writes. Her husband also shares the picture and states that he is convinced that someone cheated on her.

Fomin, who went by the name Vladlen Tatarsky on the Telegram app, was from Donetsk in Ukraine but was on Russia's side in the war.

"This indicates that the person who carried out the act was opposed to this blogger and the war," says Bert Sundström.

She is reported to have been arrested earlier for being involved in the anti-corruption foundation FBK, founded by the since 2022 imprisoned Alexei Navalny.

Russia labels as terrorist

The authority responsible for terror in Russia labels the act as a terrorist attack and accuses Ukraine of being behind it together with activists from the FBK, something for which there is no evidence.

The spokesperson for Ukraine's presidential staff's theory, on the other hand, is that the bombing was part of an "internal political battle" in Russia.

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Russian authorities suspect that the deadly bomb was hidden in the statue that Tatarsky allegedly received during the evening. Photo: Ren-TV/Vkontakte