Until this summer, white snus, i.e. tobacco-free nicotine pouches, was almost unregulated.

Tougher laws now apply, which, among other things, prohibit advertising aimed at people under the age of 25.

The Swedish Consumer Agency (KO) recently carried out an audit which shows that many companies break the law and still market snus to young people.

"Youth culture" not allowed

One of the places that has become an advertising pillar for snus is the social media app Tiktok.

It's also very popular with people under 25, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's illegal to market white snus there.

They say Astrid Hjertaker, lawyer at KO.

Determining which advertising is aimed at young people is difficult and each case must be assessed individually, she believes.

- It can be about colour, shapes and motifs.

It can also be about different types of imagery or things that are generally used in youth culture, says Hjertaker.

Snuff in candy bowl

She does not want to comment on individual ads, but SVT Nyheter has found a handful of companies that advertise on Tiktok.

The clips contain, among other things, reviews, memes, emojis and are soundtracked with movie lines. 

A snuff brand markets itself with snuff boxes covered in rhinestones, in clips matched with equally glittery boots and handbags. 

A retailer has in turn posted clips where snuff boxes are hidden among small sweets.

They have also made clips where they offer white snus to 18-year-olds during a trip abroad, despite the fact that people under the age of 25 are not allowed to appear in the advertising.

SVT has contacted three companies that have large accounts on Tiktok where they market white snus.

Two companies respond and admit that they cannot know for sure that young people under 25 do not feel affected by the advertising.

The companies on Tiktok presence: "Considering a break"