Pierre de Vilno SEASON 2022 - 202320h16, February 11, 2023

Find the entire "Europe Soir Weekend" with Pierre de Vilno and his guests, on Europe 1.

Guest :

Frédéric Souillot

, general secretary of Force Ouvrière 

William Thay

, president of the think tank Le Millénaire

Benjamin Morel

, lecturer in public law at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas, author of La France en crumbs.

Regionalisms, the other separatism

Jean-Charles Deniau

, journalist and documentary filmmaker, co-author of Moi le serpent.

Autobiography (Eds de l'Archipel, in bookstores since February 9)

Antoine de Bruc

, departmental delegate of Old French houses (VMF) heritage of Loire-Atlantique

Sioux Berger

, journalist specializing in ecology and well-being, author of the novel Les pentes (De Borée, Feb 2022) and the graphic novel Le prix du vent.

Wind turbines, animals and men (Ed. du Rocher, Nov 2022)

Michel Gioria

, spokesperson for the FEE (France Energie Eolienne)