Gauthier Delomez (comments collected by Guillaume Dominguez) / Photo credits: Frédéric Michel/Europe 1 8:02 p.m., March 31, 2024

The news puts an end to nine months of research, which began last July. Bones of little Émile were found this Saturday by a walker, near Haut-Vernet, while searches had indeed taken place in the area. What are the hypotheses? Europe 1 takes stock with a criminologist.

“On Saturday, the national gendarmerie was informed of the discovery near the hamlet of Vernet of bones”, corresponding to those “of the child Emile Soleil”. Here are the words of the Aix-en-Provence prosecutor which put an end to all hope of finding the 2 and a half year old boy alive. This late discovery made by a walker raises questions, because the area had already been searched during different searches.


- First research, scenario, discovery of bones... The key dates of the disappearance of little Émile

“We all ask ourselves questions, we tended to look at each other out of the corner of our eyes, and now this tendency has increased,” confides a resident of the hamlet of Haut-Vernet, who recalls the great efforts deployed to find the toddler. “It will be a relief when we know the end of the story, but for now, it’s a lot of pressure,” says this resident.

The three hypotheses mentioned by a criminologist

However, for the moment, there is no certainty as to the presence of these bones on a hiking trail, agrees Jean-Pierre Bouchard, doctor in psychology and criminology. He evokes at the microphone of Europe 1 different hypotheses which can explain this discovery. First, perhaps "the very specific location was particularly hidden or was not seen and really searched, even if the searchers passed very close", wonders the criminologist.

“Second hypothesis, these elements of the body moved, either by animal intervention, because animals sometimes drag the bones, or by bad weather, rain, melting snow which could also have caused things to move.” adds Jean-Pierre Bouchard. Finally, "at the time of the excavations, these elements of little Émile were not there and were brought there by one or more humans after the excavations, which would explain why they were not found".

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These three hypotheses are therefore on the table, but "for the moment, we are certain of nothing", tempers the criminologist who is awaiting the result of the "autopsy on the elements found of little Émile", which will be "determining" for the continuation of the investigation.