The silent minute must have quickly turned into more violent scenes.

According to the AFP news agency, several people threw objects at the police and overturned at least four cars.

A car is also said to have been set on fire.

In connection with the unrest, the police fired tear gas.

Participants in the protests have told the news agency that French security services did not do enough to prevent the attack.

- We are not protected at all.

In ten years, six Kurdish activists have been killed in the heart of Paris in the middle of the day, says one of the participants according to Reuters.

According to the participant, the violence started after passengers in a passing car made nationalist gestures and held up the Turkish flag, reports Reuters. 

Expresses concern

Members of the Kurdish community have expressed concern over the current situation following Friday's attack.

- They are scared.

They were already traumatized after the triple murder in 2013. They need answers, support and consideration, says David Andic, a lawyer who works for the Kurdish community in France. 

The suspect is said to be a French citizen who was released from custody shortly before the attack.

A year ago, he attacked at least two people at a migrant facility with a knife.

Angry people have also taken to the streets of Marseille.

There, however, it should not have turned violent.