<Anchor> The

ruling and opposition parties have agreed to conduct a National Assembly investigation into the Itaewon disaster.

It will be held for 45 days from today (24th), and we decided to deal with next year's budget first and then conduct a government investigation in earnest. 

Reporter Jang Min-seong is on the sidewalk.


The power of the people who insisted on 'police investigation first, then state affairs investigation', and the Democratic Party, which predicted a 'statement investigation' after the plenary's exclusive treatment, took a step back and came up with an agreement.

[Ho-Young Joo/President of People's Power: The Democratic Party, which has a majority of seats, said that it would vote alone tomorrow, so I thought it was the right thing for the people to do a parliamentary investigation...


[Park Hong-geun/Democratic Party Representative: Not for any political purpose, but to do our best to find out the facts as they really are, fulfilling the duties given to the people by the National Assembly...


The parliamentary investigation period is set to 45 days until January 7 next year, but it can be extended by a resolution of the plenary session, and full-scale investigation activities such as on-site inspections and hearings begin right after next year’s budget bill is processed, which is set by the statutory deadline on the 2nd of next month. agreed to.

Both the ruling party's proposal to process the budget bill first and start a parliamentary investigation and the opposition party's proposal to extend it through a plenary resolution were all reflected, and the clue that 'it can be extended' could revive the sparks of conflict.

A total of 16 government departments and public institutions to be investigated were selected, including the President's Office, the State Affairs Situation Room, and the Ministry of Public Administration and Security.

The Democratic Party strongly insisted on including a bodyguard, saying that it would ask about the connection between the relocation of the presidential office and the disaster, but it was eventually excluded due to opposition from the ruling party.

The Ministry of Justice was also excluded, but the Democratic Party's position is that there is no major problem as the State Affairs Situation Room, the Crisis Management Center, and the Supreme Prosecutor's Office are included in the investigation.

The Special Investigation Committee is composed of 9 Democratic Party members, 7 people's power, and 2 non-opportunity groups, and the Democratic Party decided to take over the chairperson.