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U.S. government expressed condolences to Korea in relation to the Itaewon disaster and said it would provide necessary support.

Heads of state, including the British Prime Minister and French President, also expressed their condolences one after another.

Major foreign media, such as CNN, are conveying the situation while simultaneously reporting the news of the disaster as an emergency article.

This is Washington correspondent Yunsu Kim.


As news of the Itaewon disaster spread, US President Biden issued an emergency statement, expressing deep condolences to the families of the victims and saying that he would share the sorrow with Koreans.

President Biden said the US-ROK alliance is stronger than ever, adding that the United States will stand with South Korea in a tragic time.

Enlarging an image

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said South Korea was ready to provide any assistance it needed.

British Prime Minister Sunack and French President Macron also expressed their condolences on Twitter, consoling them that they would be with Koreans.

Foreign media all at once reported the news of the Itaewon disaster as an emergency article.

CNN connects a Korean correspondent every hour and reports the cause of the accident and the increase in the number of deaths as breaking news.

[CNN Korea Correspondent: A few minutes ago, the death toll increased to 146 again, and the injured to 150.

That's almost three times more than when I came to the site a few hours ago.]

Major daily newspapers such as the New York Times and Washington Post also have breaking news windows on their websites to report the disaster situation in real time.

Foreign media are especially keen on whether there are foreign victims as Itaewon is a place frequented by foreigners.